//Reader's Pov//
Seeing the king standing there made us all freeze. It was quiet until his majesty spoke up, "That was quite a performance young one."
Realizing he was talking to me caused both John and I to change our stances to a bow in his direction. Everyone else following our lead, this caused the King to chuckle at our sudden change of behavior. The King had raised his hand to signal everyone to rise, which everyone did except I. My legs slightly trembled probably due to the amount of mana I had drained. He walked closer to me, laying a hand on my shoulder. It caused me to accidentally flinch due to the soreness and his sudden touch. He retracted his hand with a silent gasp before he could do anything about it my father had appeared right next to me with Macko on the other side, giving me a concerned look. They were about to help me stand up but I had already lifted my head high.
Giving a look of thanks, I leaned on father's left side for support. My sword and daggers long teleported back to my hidden arsenal. Looking back to the King I bowed my head a little, "Thank you, your majesty. I apologize for startling you." King Regis gave a small smile shaking his head, " It is fine, though I must ask how is it someone as young as you could hold against one of my kingsglaive knights?"
I was silent until my father spoke with pride, "This is my apprentice your majesty. I have been training her for quite some time, I hope that one day she may even take my place and protect the future king."
The King hummed in response, "Interesting, well I hope both of you don't mind accompanying me to the main palace, I can have our servants tend to her injuries."
Father looked back to King Regis, "You have my thanks, your majesty."
Regis smiled in return, turning back towards Cor, " I trust you can handle it from here."
"Of course your majesty." He answered with a slight bow. King Regis turned back to the rest of the kingsglaive biding them farewell and then waited for us to follow after him. Without a word he helped me up and placed me on Macko's back. Before leaving I turned my attention back to my opponent John, giving a respectful short bow for the match to which he reciprocated. Regis had been watching the scene before him with a kind smile finally taking his leave, the three of us beside him.
// Mini Time Skip//
When we walked through the Great doors, many servants and maids greeted us. I didn't think I looked that bad, but I guess it was worse. Soon Macko and I were swarmed with maids asking us if we were ok, mostly me. I tried to reassure them that I was fine but they all insisted on taking me to the castle's infirmary. My father had asked them to take me there anyway, telling Macko to follow after me.
The last thing I saw before we turned the corner was my father waving at me with a smile.
//Max's Pov//
Seeing her leave in the arm's of the maid filled me with some relief. I was very worried about her, she had pushed herself again. Maybe Cor was right about her. 'Like father, like daughter.'
I felt a hand on my shoulder, brake me from my thoughts. "She'll be fine she is strong like her father," Regis said reassurance in his voice. I nodded turning my head to him, "one can't help but worry about their child." Regis gave a hum of agreement, " Why don't we catch up in my office while we wait?"
Giving a quick look towards the direction she had left, I followed after Regis in the opposite direction.
Entering his office, we sat down by his large window. Sitting directly opposite of each other, I had looked outside. "It's been some time hasn't it?" Regis said, sitting back in his chair. "It has,"
" You know she looks a lot like her mother," Regis spoke with a sympathetic smile. I agreed with my own sad smile, my heart aching at the mention of her mother. " but she also inherits your discipline," he paused before smiling, " and your stubbornness."
This made me look at him with a with surprise before releasing a small laugh, " She does I'm afraid. She worries me sometimes. (YN) maybe a prodigy but she still has much to learn." I let out with a sigh.
" And your son? Is he making a decent recovery?" I ask.
" He is still in the wheelchair but he is doing fine thank the six," Regis answered, leaning forward in his chair rubbing his forehead. The dinging of the clock made us look in its direction, telling us it was noon. It was soon followed by a knock on the door. A butler opened it to reveal Macko had returned. Walking in he bowed to Regis and I, before lifting his head. " Your majesty, Captain. I have come to tell you that (YN) will return shortly. She insisted that I come to give you her apologises for causing such a fuss." When he had finished, Regis and I stood from our seats, " It was no trouble at all." He looked back to me, "Though I want to ask, will you join me and my son to lunch? I am sure (YN) would like to meet him. After all, they will be working together in the future."
"Well.." I said rubbing the back of my neck. " I suppose if it's not too much trouble." Regis nodded with a smile, " Then it is decided, Macko can you direct (YN) to the dining hall?"
The wolf nodded and quickly bowed before leaving the room. "Shall we then, old friend?" Regis asked. "Of course." I smiled as we both left the office, walking down the hallway to the dining hall.
//Reader's pov//
"There you go, all better." The nurse smiled as she placed the last band-aid on my left cheek. My face and exposed arms had been cleaned and mended, they even gave me new and clean bandages for my small hands too. I finally stood from my seat to stretch my hands above my head. Then a boy, a little older then I, caught my eye. He was three inches taller and had dirty blonde hair that was well kept. Black rimmed glasses sat on his white-skinned face, emerald green eyes glanced up from the paper to me. I smiled and waved at him, the nurse noticed this and gave a soft laugh, " There you are. What are you doing?" To which he replied, "Just getting a couple things for his majesty the prince." The lady nodded then said, " I see well, have you said hello to this young lady? She is Captain Lennox's daughter."
The boy turned his attention back to me and walked closer, with his head high and back straight sticking out his hand.
" My apologies, my name is Ignis Scientia. I am the prince's advisor." I mimicked his actions shaking his hand, " I am (YN) Lennox, currently training under my father to be apart of the kingsglaive and take my place as one of his majesties retainers, 'his shadow'."
Not a moment later Macko had entered the room. "(YN), the king has offered us lunch with him in the dining hall." I nodded and looked back to the nurse and Ignis, "I thank you for your hospitality." Bowing my head slightly to them. The Nurse smiled and said 'no problem' while Ingis merely gave a 'your welcome' before returning to what he was doing. I smiled and waved, leaving with Macko.
When we were walking down the hall Macko spoke up in a playful tone, " Way to almost die in front of everyone." I looked back at him in irritation, " That was not my fault! Jeez, you won't let me live this down." He laughed and gave a 'nope' just as we got to the guard opening the large door.
When it opened I saw the king and my father sitting by one another laughing. They stopped when we entered further in the large hall. "Are you feeling better?" King Regis asked. I gave a bow, "Yes very much so. Thank you, your majesty."
That's when I had heard wheels roll on the smooth floor. Still bowing I looked to my right.
The boy I would fight for. The boy I would give my life for.The boy I would be the shadow of.
Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum.

I'll do it for him //Noctis x Reader//
FanfictionSince the day I was born I knew my place. Being part of the Kingsglaive/Crownsguard, protecting my city and it's people, but most of all serve as the Royal Family's shadow. No matter what, I put my duties before myself. I do it for them, I'll do it...