Since the day I was born I knew my place. Being part of the Kingsglaive/Crownsguard, protecting my city and it's people, but most of all serve as the Royal Family's shadow. No matter what, I put my duties before myself. I do it for them, I'll do it...
As I had left the dining room, I could hear Master Cor laugh about something, it didn't seem to matter anymore for certain paw steps broke me from my thoughts. I kept my small pace Macko appeared beside me. He was much larger than I in his natural form which is about the size of a motorcycle. He had grey in certain areas as the rest held white. His sky blue eyes were forward until they looked to me.
"Try not to look like an idiot out there, as I recall you aren't that great when it comes to warping." He spoke in a sarcastic tone as he kept up his lazy pace.
I scrunch my nose up in annoyance, " I'm not that bad! Besides you and I both know that I'm getting the hang of it, Dog Brains." I said using the same tone back.
He just smirked when he stopped by my door, "Hurry up and get changed before I start to photosynthesize."
I roughly pushed past him. Finally opening my door, I stuck my tongue out at him before closing it in his face.
Started to giggle, I proceeded to change into my gear for today's session then grabbed my small duffle bag that had the needed items and took my leave. Opening the door I found Macko patiently waiting for me, we walked down the hall towards the stairs to the front doors.
//time skip brought to u by Salt bae Iggy//
Upon entering the training room, I had noticed many other recruits talking amongst themselves while getting ready. Some were new and some have been here long before I.
Stepping further into the spacious dark marble area, I took a deep breath and exhaled. Since the doors were open the scent of rain still lingered in the cool morning breeze. This is where I felt I truly belonged, on the battlefield where you have nothing but your wits and a sword. Smiling, I walked towards the right side of the hall, setting my bag down getting out the tape for my hands. I began wrapping the white material around the left then the right.
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As soon as that was done I had began to stretch my back and limb's preparing for the hard work that was to come.
Not a second later my father had arrived with Master Cor, both showing stern faces. As soon as they had entered all the members formed a straight line, hands behind our backs. Macko had left my side, joining my father and Cor. We started our daily routines, stretches, summoning our weapons, warping, and finally combat.
I'm not gonna lie, warping was a little hard for me but it wasn't because I didn't know how. It was because I lacked the necessary amount of mana to do so. Right now I could only warp two times in a row, three if I was desperate. Cor says I'm still too young for its full potential but he and my father believe that with time I will grow stronger.
Cor's voice got my attention. 'Ah, that's right today we are sparring against each other', I watched and waited with the others as two at a time would go forward and battle it out.
Today would be the first day I would actually spar with another person. I started training in hand to hand combat when I was 5. Then at 6 my father started to teach me how to use a sword along with various other weapons. As soon as I had got the hang of it, he would have me train with himself, but most of the time it was with Macko. Father chose this strategy because not only was I very young but because he wanted me and Macko to develop our bond. He talks little about our family history, but one thing he always tells me is that one day Macko and I will have an unbreakable bond that will make us stronger together.
Realizing that today was the day filled me with excitement, but also nervousness. Trying to hide it I keep quiet eagerly waiting. I want to make father proud. Soon I hear master Cor call out my name, this causes me to step forward, "Sir!"
"Today you will spar against John, in this match you are allowed only two weapons so choose wisely. You are permitted to warp but must stay within this area. Understood?"
We both gave 'yes sirs' and summoned our weapons. He chose a great sword while I chose my regular broadsword and small silver daggers.
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It was small compared to other blades because I was pretty small myself. Father had these custom made so I could move a bit quicker with ease. We both stepped forward onto the battle area. We then faced each other and bowed. As soon as we raised our heads, we got into our fighting stances, blades drawn and ready. Time seemed to slow as Cor raised his hand to give the sign, I could feel my fathers eyes follow me. The sound of my heartbeat ringing in my ears. I closed my eye's taking a breath.
As soon as Cor lowered his hand, John had dashed toward me. The sudden movement sent me into action, swiftly dodging the blow that hit the ground. As rubble flew up from the impact scratching me in several places, he turned around toward me swiping his blade. I brought mine up to block his swing, the loud crash of blades could be heard throughout the yard. I felt my hand begin to throb with pain. 'I should have picked the Greatsword.' I thought as I pushed back with all my might. We both began to clash back and forth going at inhuman speeds. When I had finally seen my opening I lunged forward, but when I got close enough he warped behind me at the last moment. I released my blade, in doing so letting it fly forward while warping after it out of the way. 'Dang, one more warp left!'. I brought my sword up pointing toward my opponent, we charged at each other, 'No I can do two more, but I have to end this quick.' He brought his blade down once more causing me to shift to the right throwing my small dagger high up above us, warping there in the process. He was ready for me bringing his blade up, but in a split second, the tip of my sword was brought up behind him under his left arm just under his chest. A look of shock appeared on his face. And I'm not gonna lie, I don't even know how I did it. My body moved on its own.
While he struck the ground before, I threw two daggers, one in the air and the other right behind him. As I had hoped, he didn't notice the one thrown behind him.
We were both breathing heavy standing still trying to catch our breath. I felt dizzy as sweat and dirt trickled down my forehead, 'I overdid it again.' I cursed and felt my legs shake, my thoughts were interrupted when the sound of clapping filled the area.
John and I looked back and saw the clapping came from his Majesty, King Regis Lucis.
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