About two years had passed since a new friendship was forged between the three children and a rather large K9.
Noctis finally left the confines of his wheelchair joining his friends in the fun. Even though they were young, the three still had their own duties to tend to. (YN) in particular, had many things to do, but that didn't stop her from seeing them when she had the chance. To his surprise,(YN) got along well with his strict advisor, learning new things and experimenting in the kitchen. Making fresh foods that had different and new tastes for him to try. Even the King and Captain Lennox were surprised by their delicious creations. It was needless to say that Ignis enjoyed her company, admiring her hard work and kindness.
Both Noctis and (YN) had turned ten, (Ignis who was now twelve), which for the future king meant learning how to wield a sword. The prince was excited to actually hold a blade or whatever weapon that would suit him. (YN) herself was happy for him, telling him that it would be hard at first, but once you get the hang of it, it was exhilarating. Secretly the young prince had hoped that she would teach him, so not only would he learn how to fight but he could also spend more time with her.
But alas the odds were not in his favor, for when he walked through the Crownsguard training room for the first time he met who he thought to be the bane of his existence.
Gladiolus Amicitia
This guy was supposed to his shield? Upon looking at him it was obvious that he had been training for some time. Noctis began to 'train' under him but found it difficult. The prince would get frustrated easily with Gladios's teaching methods while the older teen also had trouble with the prince finding him to be uncooperative and at times overbearing. Sparing was a war between the two, it wasn't like the friendly ones Gladios would have with (YN). It was way more competitive, Noctis wanted to prove Gladios wrong, beat him even. At the end of every spar, however, the shield somehow always managed to beat the prince.
Three weeks into his training and Noctis was already tired of Gladios. The sun was beginning to set as the prince kept trying to practice the technics he was taught. Sweat was running down his face as he continued to thrust his wooden sword up and down. Repeating the same action over and over again, "This guy is annoying, 'Your not thrusting straight, your grip on the hilt is wrong.' Blah blah blah blah." Noctis complained through gritted teeth. He kept up his little rant while continuing his actions, not noticing the short haired girl stop to look at him.
"Having trouble your majesty?" She said with curiosity and slight humor in her soft voice. The young prince yelped as he jumped out of his skin. Heavily breathing Noctis looked to her, his face burning with embarrassment. "A-ah no (Y-YN), just um getting some practice in." His voice a little shaky from his sudden outburst. She simply nodded keeping a small smile, "If I may," she spoke walking to him, grabbing the wooden sword that was still within his grasp. "Your stance is not wide enough." His face was burning even more so from how close she was to him, her hands on his helping him firmly grip the hilt. (YN) seemed unfazed by the physical contact as she made him raise his sword in front of him, "Hold it up high so you can be prepared for any attack. Make sure you keep a firm grip on the hilt ok." She finished in a calm directing voice, the prince started to forget the embarrassment as he began to focus on her directions. Shortly after he immediately started to understand what to do, bringing his sword up and swinging it back down almost perfectly.
"Good now remember it all begins with your stance, make sure your stance is wide and your body is lowered." She grabbed an extra wooden sword Noctis brang and mimicked his stance. "Swing down at me while I block." She respectfully ordered him. They did this for some time, taking turns until it was finally night time.
From then on whenever he got the chance after training with Gladios, he tried to see her so she could tutor him. Even letting off some steam when he was annoyed with what had gone on during his practice. She listened to his rants and complaints about this older guy Noctis would always seem to forget to name. So she didn't know it was her sparing buddy he was talking about at first but after a while, she figured it out. After another couple of weeks Gladios noticed Noctis's changes, he was a little quicker and better at blocking. Upon further examination, he began to see that the young prince moved a lot like a certain friend of his.

I'll do it for him //Noctis x Reader//
FanficSince the day I was born I knew my place. Being part of the Kingsglaive/Crownsguard, protecting my city and it's people, but most of all serve as the Royal Family's shadow. No matter what, I put my duties before myself. I do it for them, I'll do it...