1 - stanley uris.

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d e a d .

that's what I felt like.

I couldn't feel anything, actually.


am I dead?

no. i hear something.

"stanley.. honey?"
"are you awake?"

"he's still in a coma."

"but I need to know if he is alive!"

"he is. just in a deep sleep."

i not in a coma.. am i?

i mean.. if i was, I wouldn't be hearing anything. or thinking. or..



"mrs. uris? your son is waking up."

"finally! stanley, can you hear me?"

who is that calling me?

the beeping stops. i try to talk.


"oh my god! stanley! are you alright honey?!"

"I-.. where am I? who- who is that?" I ask roughly, pointing at the.. im guessing doctor, next to me.

"oh, that's your doctor." she says, "are you feeling okay?"

"i mean.. I guess. why am I in a hospital?" i ask, coughing a bit at the last word.

"oh.. um.. well- during camp, you climbed up a cabin and sat on top of it, but.. you fell down soon after. you had a huge concussion and you have been in a coma for 2 weeks." she says, looking like tears were prickling her eyes, screaming to fall.

i was in a camp? and a coma?

"im surprised you aren't asking who I am.." she says, mumbling.

"who even are you anyway?" i ask, trying to remember.

"oh lord."
she covers her mouth.

"stanley, unfortunately, the fall caused you to hit your head so hard, you have amnesia. for the most part."
the doctor says, looking sad.

"so.. I don't remember anything?"
i ask in confusion.

"in some parts, you do. such as your age, some family members, name and looks. but friends, memories, actions, you most likely will not remember. through the months, you will begin to remember things... but very, very, slowly." he says with a straight face.

this is horrible. what if my friends, if I have any, think I forgot about them?

what if I hurt somebody?

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