36 - richie tozier.

941 39 42

ooo we haven't done richie inna while. but yeah i'm inactive 🤧🤧🤧 (hefner came on🤪🤪🤪🤠🤠)


"eddie? eddds? edd-"

"what, richie? what do you want?" eddie says as he walks out of the bathroom.

we are still at camp, and it's shit. usually it's fun seeing bill and stan.

but then again, i have eddie.

"where's my comb?"

"right here, sweetheart" eddie mumbles, pointing at the end of the dresser next to his bed, then sitting down.

"what's wrong?" richie sighs, walking towards the smaller boy and sitting next to him.

eddie lays his head down on rich's shoulder. "i don't know. i'm just so overwhelmed.."

"i'm here if you wanna talk- always have been. i love you, eds" richie smiles and slides an arm around eddies waist.

"i love you too, don't call me that." he giggles, lifting his head up and turning richies head, placing a sweet kiss on the other boys lips.

"you think stan and bill are okay?" eddie asks.

"hells yeah," richie exclaims. "i'm pretty sure stan is totally restarting too. new parent and all."



contact: stan the jew

stan: richie

stan: richie

stan: richie

stan: richie

stan: r

stan: i

stan: c

stan: h

stan: i

stan: e

me: WHAT

stan: i needa um

stan: tell you somethinnn

me: what happened staniel

me: what's tea ??????

stan: so

stan: i might've um

me: did you rape bill? i swear to god stan

me: i'm gonna slaughter you

me: OH MY GOD YOU DID??????


stan: stop assuming !

me: fine fine i'll stop

me: soooo

stan: i might've sucked bills dick?

me: MIGHTVE????

me: oh hmgofownekdndndjbfrnrbrjejr he's not innocent anymore

me: tears my son

me: my son is getting BIGGER

me: i'm emo

stan: god it felt so good to let that out

me: that's what he said

stan: ugh

me: uGh

stan: dude

me: dUde

stan: are you mocking me

rich: aRe yOu mOcKinG mE

stan: fuck you

me: that's bills job

stan: bye

me: bye


contact: bill denbruh

me: hey wussp bill !!!

bill: hey! what's up

me: nothing much;; what's happening rn?

bill: so, me and stan came home from the hospital last night and he uummmm

bill: ya knowww

bill: gave me uhhh

bill: bj

bill: and then we fell asleep. natalia came home the next morning and said that i could stay for a bit

bill: i'm coming back in 30 mins tho

me: ooooo eventful

me: how'd nancy and jonathan agree ?

bill: turns out natalia is nancy's twin so

me: thatsss why i recognized her

bill: yupppp

me: ok hurry me and eddie miss ya

bill: will do tozier


this book is ending soon🤧

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