24 - bill denbrough.

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are you excited???? it's jyatt :):):)

the plot is basically about how wyatt and jaeden are hospital patients in the same room . 😋

it's gonna b LittY 2/)382372&!!!!

it's called "heartthrob" 💕

it will be posted tonight (maybe) so don't let it flop guys !! :))
i love each and every single one of you .

now onto the bOoK!


are me and stanley actually a thing now?

this is weird. one minute I hate with with a passion and the next i fall for him.

so i guess I'm bisexual.



stan☺️: hey

me: hey :)

stan☺️: we need to talk..

me: okay

me: what happened?

stan☺️: im so sorry bill

stan☺️: I didn't want this to happen.

me: you're scaring me

stan☺️: open the door.


my heart starts rapidly beating, and I look up. i get up and walk to the door, and open it.

once it's open I see a sobbing stanley.

"I-i-I-m so s-suh-sorry b-buh-bill.." he cries softly. i pull him into the cabin and shut the door.

i bring him closer to me and his head lays on my shoulder, sobbing harshly.

"what ha-happened stan?" i say, rubbing circles onto his back.

"Gi-give me a min-minute," he whispers, still clutching onto me.

I shouldn't be here for him. I shouldn't do this. he was never there for me. the only time he was, it was to hurt me. but my heart tells me I should.
fuck feelings, man..

"look, stan, y-yuh-you really need to tell me w-what's going on because I d-don't understand why y-y-you're crying.." i say quietly.

"I.. can we sit d-uh-down on the bed?" he asks, and I nod.

i bring him slowly to the bed, and I sit down. he lays his head down on my lap, and the rest of his body is laid onto the bed.

"s-so.. yesterday night after we went back to our cabins after the night fire, richie fell asleep and so I went onto my phone. i saw that I had a text message. it was from my m-mom.. sh-she s-s-said-"

"woah s-stan... calm down. take a b-b-breath." i say, rubbing his shoulder.

"o-okay." He sighs, then speaks. "she said that i had to leave. i had to leave the camp."



also happy pi-day, R.I.P. Stephen Hawking, happy birthday legend Albert Einstein 💙

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