20 - bill denbrough.

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why the fuck did I trust him? i hate this. let me die already.

well, I mean. it was over a game, but it still pissed me off.

message from- stan

i don't feel like answering- he doesn't deserve it. or anything.

but guess what? my soft ass answered.

stan: bill.. I'm sorry for what I did.

me: no

me: stop. im not falling for it.

stan: please! let me make it up to you.

me: stan, no! im not talking to you.

stan: just

stan: listen to me.


me: why.

me: you deserve NOTHING!

stan: im sorry, okay!? i don't want to be in bad ends with you.

me: well, boo hoo stan. i do!

me: sorry isn't enough.

stan: then let me make it up to you, bill.

me: how about

me: no

me: im not just going to let you take over me. i feel controlled whenever I'm with you, stan! like- if I do something, you'll hit me, or call me a name, or start bullying me again

me: I felt so weak when you called me a cheater. it reminded me of when i asked out beverly, and she said no because YOU told her that I was gay and that i wanted to rape her, and I cheated on everyone that I dated

stan: but that wasn't me, bill! you have to understand that I'm DIFFERENT!

me: are you, really?

stan: yes.

me: then why did you steal my notebook?

stan is typing..


me: different, huh? okay. yea, sure.

stan: im sorry! i got mad, bill

stan: just- please.

me: im sorry.

me: actually, no. im not sorry. fuck off, stanley. don't talk to me again.


i deleted my reddie book

buttttttt im making another book, help me pick out what ship




thanks guys 💕

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