3 - richie tozier.

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i really hope bill listened to what eddie said about giving stan another chance.

but there is no point in hoping, since ive has experience of eddie telling bill to do something but he would never listen.

trust me, I do hate stan. more than I should. he bullied my best friend during school and the first week of camp.

and the worst part is, it wasn't normal bullying.

it was pranks, rumors, hitting, homophobic slurs, cyber, anything you can think of.

hell, I would be scared too. i tried to help bill and tell someone, but bill was too nice. even though he hates stanley with a passion.

but, I still wanna give him another chance.

i mean, put you in his shoes. you have a concussion, get amnesia, and know no one. just your name.

that legit sucks. but we shouldn't be too nice to him, if you know what I mean.

once me and eddie take a look at stan, it's like he's a different person. like someone switched bodies with him.

i look over at bill, then look at stan.

they're staring at each other.

but a good kinda stare, not like a death one.

im surprised. maybe bill did listen to eddie for once.

but i think it's just the way stan looks. shy, anxious, but smiley all together.

you know who else has those characteristics?

bill denbrough.

this is going to be weird.


"y-you live with r-ruh-richie." bill says to stan, stuttering more than usual.

fun fact about bill, when he stutters a lot, he's more nervous.

"hey stan! let me show you your cabin." i tell him; walking over to my door.

i need to tell him what he did to bill, or he'll be confused as fuck.

he sits on the bed, and I begin to get nervous.

ive never been this close to stanley uris.

he's so.. calm.

"so.. before I fell. were you guys my friends?" stan asks, innocently.

shit shit shit. what do I say?

"um.. technically, no. look, there is something I need to tell you. it's super important.."


"wow... I did all of that?" stanley looks down at his fingers, fiddling them.

"yup. i'm sorry I told you, but you have to know just so you didn't get confused on why bill doesn't like you very much." I say, walking front and back inside our cabin.

"i-im sorry.. i'm actually glad i have amnesia. bill looks like such a nice person.." he looks up at me, face filled with regret.

"he is. he really is."

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