37 - bill denbrough.

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yaaaass ur queen is giving y'all chapters🤪
ahhahahahahahahhahahaaahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha jk
i'm no queen🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧 shane is tho

okok back to the book i'm sorry i miss authors notes like this and y'all like commenting and having fun and shit but y'all ain't active😞😞😞😞😞

"k-kaspbrak! tozier!" i yell as richie opens the cabin door wide open, eddie in the back smiling.

"we missed youu," the smallest boy smiles, and runs up to me hugging him.

"it h-ha-hasn't even b-buh-been that long." i giggle, pulling away.

"we know," richie adds. "now. nancy ordered pizza- after we finish, we have to go to the zoo. get ready billiam"

"yes-s sir," i say and i walk to my cabin.


"eddie! eddie eddie look! it's you-" richie yells while pointing at a baby giraffe. "cute cute cute cute cute!"

"sh-shut up, rich. g-goddammit" i say annoyingly, feeding the animals.

"what he said," eddie replies, sliding an arm around richies waist.

"can we get one eds?"

"don't call me that. no"


"because, i said so-"

"guys! c-come on," i interrupt them, walking the other way.


i jump onto my bed; tired from today. god i remembered how annoying they are.

"should i d-draw?" i murmur to myself, "or s-sh-should i facetime stan.."

i grab my phone from the nightstand and log onto skype, finding stanley's contact and pressing 'video call'.


"stan! hhh-hey,"

"oh! hey love,"

i blush at the name, "hows y-y-your new l-luh-life?"

"amazing, natalia is better that i thought she was." he smiles and leans into the camera and whispers, "to be honest? i thought she was kinda annoying at first-"

"i heard that!" i hear a woman yell, guessing it's natalia.

"sorry!" he laughs. "but i miss you."

"it h-hasn't even b-been two d-duh-days yet, stan. but i miss y-you too." i grin and he smiles.

"also r-richie and e-euh-eddie are still a-a-annoying."

"i figured."

we both laugh, and he smirks.

"what?" i narrow my eyes.

"i wanna do it again.."

"do w-what?" i reply and he winks.

oh god.

"stop b-buh-being a flirt." i cringe, "or its not happening again."

"i'll be the judge of that.." stan chuckles and walks to his room i'm assuming.

"i'm gonna watch TV, and go to sleep. wanna stay on?" the jew adds, yawning.

"of c-coursssse," i say, putting my phone on the nightstand, laying my head down and staring at the screen.

before falling asleep, i hear the audio coming from stan.

"miraculous! the luckiest! up to the test when things go wrong.."

"fu-fucking dork." i whisper but he still hears it.

"hey! you like miraculous ladybug too.." he whispers back. then after a few moments, "i love you, goodnight."

"i love y-you too stanny."

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