28 - letters.

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dear bill,

hey! i hope you're doing good. well i mean, it would be bad if you weren't .

okay, this is weird because i'm writing a letter instead of sending a text. I think it would be more fun this way.

anyways, i just wanted to say that miss you all and I can't wait to reunite. you guys probably don't even want me to communicate with you because of what I did and I'm truly sorry.

I miss you bill.

you probably don't miss me, but I promised I changed. I want to change.

do you think I did? do you think I changed? do you really like me?

that's all I have to say, reply soon!

P.S: tell richie and ed's I said hi :)

      stanley uris.


dear stanley,

hey stan. this is cool, sending letters. the old fashioned way..

okay so, let me answer your questions.

1) I do miss you.

2) I want you to communicate with us.

3) I forgive you.

4) yes, I really do like you.

5) what ever you did, is in the past.

6) you have changed, and I'm glad you did.

i hope I answered all of your questions, stanley.

P.S: they said hi :)

     bill denbrough.

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