4 - eddie kaspbrak.

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i'm surprised bill listened to me.

i mean, it's like the first time in forever. he's nice to him; but no interacting. like no conversations at all. just stares and words.

"hey eddie? w-where is m-muh-my journal?" bill asks, holding a sketching pencil in his hand.

"uh... i think it's in the closet." i say, pointing in the back of the room.



usually bill draws pictures or something because it's on his mind. he likes to visualize on paper.

like this one girl at our school, beverly, bill liked her a lot so the next day he drew her. it looked so nice.

i wonder what he'll draw this time. usually it's food, but who knows.

i mean, the only thing on my mind is richie. only him.

but he doesn't know that, unfortunately.

jonathan calls lights out, so I get in my bed and bill gets in his.

i leave my inhaler on the dresser with my pills and a glass of water.

i could see bill still drawing.

its been an hour.

that drawing is really special..


"CAMPERS! time to wake up!" nancy yells, blowing that stupid horn that makes everyone jump out of their beds.

"g-guh-good morning, eddie." bill says, in a raspy tone.

"good morning... hey, bill?"


"what were you drawing last night?"

"oh." his whole face becomes flushed. it looks like he just caught a huge fever.

"nothing. i drew a kfc meal." he looks down.

"for an hour?" my head tilts to the side, my left eyebrow lifting up.

"u-uh, well-"

"WHATS UP FUCKERS?!" richie swings the door open, stan following behind.

why do I like him again?

"oh-oh my god, r-rich. what the hell." bill gives him a death stare. but once richie moves out of the way, bill's face calms.

"hey guys." stan says quietly, rubbing his elbow.

i know he's become shy, but this is too much.

i get up and pull richie to bathroom, locking the door.

"what? are you gonna kiss me or something? like in the movies?" richie smirks and says in a joking tone.

i feel my cheeks heat up.

"no! what the hell. why is stan acting like that? what did you tell him!?" i say, trying to be serious.

"woah-ho-ho-ho, calm down. you don't wanna have an asthma attack." he says, "i just told him what he did to bill. he needed to know, or else he would be so confused." richie explains, and I calm down.

"oh.. okay. but you should've told him a little later richie."

"whatever. he needed to know." He says and opens the door of the bathroom, and walks out. i follow him.


i can't stop laughing at this I'm sorry

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i can't stop laughing at this I'm sorry

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