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"yea, and she just disappears every single time," jisung finished and changbin huffed.

"dude, this is so messed up," changbin confessed, leaving jisung chuckling at the other end of the line.

"i'm sure eunha will go crazy if she finds out about this," changbin noted, "it's been half a year but she's still all over you, man."

jisung blinked. "eunha?"

"yea, yoo eunha?"

jisung scratched his head dumbly. "um, changbin, who is that? i literally don't know what you're talking about at all." the other boy fell silent on the other side.

jisung cleared his throat after a few awkward seconds, "changbin? you still there?" changbin quickly responded.

"jisung, this is making my head hurt slightly. how about we talk about this tomorrow?" he suggested and and jisung agreed, hanging up the phone.

he sighed and blinked a few times, taking in their conversation. he looked back to his phone screen and searched up the name eunha on his phone, and to his utmost surprise, there was no result found.

"eunha? who are you?" he sighed as he turned to his side and turned off the lamp next to his bed, snuggling under his covers for a good rest, or so he thought.


jisung woke up and tried to stretch, but then he realised he couldn't. around his waist were two arms, holding him closely and rather tightly.

jisung slowly tried to move the arms from his waist, but they were insistent, as the familiar voice hummed from behind, "no, jisung, don't go."

jisung could not help but smile, as he turned to his other side so he could face her. her eyes were closed and she looked so at ease, jisung felt his heart soften. he pulled her closer to him, as she snuggled into his chest.

"hey, can i ask you something?" he whispered, audible enough for her to hear. she hummed in acknowledgement.

"do you know who is eunha?" he asked, and she looked up at him with her soft, gentle eyes. jisung swore at that moment, he could have just kissed her; but his curiousity stopped him.

"yoo eunha?" she asked and jisung nodded. she sighed and leaned her head on jisung's chest again. "that girl, your ex-girlfriend. why? do you like her again?"

jisung chuckled and kissed her forehead, before cupping her face in his hands and raising them so they were looking at each other in the eye.

"i don't even remember who she is. but for now, i feel like i'm just happy with you," he leaned in for a kiss, but he stopped before their lips could touch.

"you make me feel so loved, and i feel as if you are like... my..." he trailed off, struggling to find the word he had in mind.

"...soulmate? dream girl?" the girl in his arms breathed against his lips and jisung smiled.

"dream girl," he leaned in and pressed their lips together, "i love the sound of that. from now on, you're going to be dream girl."

he turned her around so she was lying on top of  him. they both kissed again, each second a little deeper. jisung briefly managed to breathe out, "my dream girl," before he continued to savour the taste of her lips on his.

this book is doing pretty okay i'm happy : ) thank you for all the love so far!!

love, twinkle.

1:43 | han jisungWhere stories live. Discover now