PM - 5i

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jisung picked on his food lazily, not even finding the strength to lift his spoon into his mouth. "jisung?" he slowly looked up, only to meet the eyes of eunha.

jisung jumped back and was about to scramble away, when she placed her hand on top of his. "jisung, i need to talk to you." her eyes genuinely looked concerned, so jisung gave in; he relaxed and cleared his throat awkwardly and sat back as per normal.

"why are you alone here?" she asked as she sat herself opposite him, getting into a comfortable spot. "in fact, why are you always alone now?"

jisung actually did not know how to respond — he really did not know why he was secluding himself from everyone — his friends, his sister, everybody in general.

it wasn't possibly because of taehee, right? jisung couldn't possibly be at his breaking point because of one mere girl, right?

"just get to your point." he snapped and eunha looked taken aback for a second, before returning to her normal self, sniggering evilly.

"oh, jisung," she cooed, lifting his chin with her finger, locking eyes with him, "everybody in the school knows about your little secret now."

jisung tensed as he tried to process her words. "w-what secret?"

"oh, you know, the usual," she chuckled, "about how you are in love with the new girl now, or should i say, the dream version of her."

jisung stood up and grabbed her by the collar. the people around them in the cafeteria jumped in unison at jisung's sudden outburst. "what did you just say?" he snarled.

eunha's laugh resonated within the silent cafeteria before she leaned in closer to jisung. "i said, everybody knows what you've been doing in your dreams and in real life now, you filthy manwho—" jisung raised his fist to end her words, but was held back by a much stronger arm.

"yo, that's enough," jisung groaned at the familiar voice one of the boys in his class. jisung simply retreated forcefully and walked away from the scene, glancing up at the cafeteria ceiling with glassy eyes.

as he looked back at his surroundings, he glanced at the clock. 1:42pm. just then, he heard eunha's voice screechy, airy voice echo once again. jisung closed his eyes in obvious annoyance and turned around to face her. he clenched his fist, ready to actually throw one this time.

"jisung, wait!" she ran up to him and grabbed his by the collar, pushing their lips together. the cafeteria burst into an uproar, with cheers and boos blending in together perfectly.


jisung tried to pull away several times, but to no avail. finally, after what seemed like forever, eunha pulled away and smirked evilly. jisung breathed heavily in disgust and was about to yell at eunha, when he looked behind her and stopped himself.

there stood taehee — among the crowd, but to jisung, she was the only person standing there. he watched as her arm slowly fell to her side, her drink slowly slipping from her hand and fingertips. it fell with a resounding thump, the contents inside exploding all around.

suddenly, the whole world seemed to stop to both jisung and taehee as the world all around them disappeared, with only the both of them facing each other, nobody around them.

jisung opened his mouth and began to walk towards her, while she retreated, taking larger strides better. this went on, until the duo found each other on a rat race, jisung hot on her heels as she tried to escape from him.

jisung watched as she entered the rooftop of the school, and as he opened the door, he found taehee holding a knife to her chest. jisung stopped in his tracks.

"taehee, no," jisung warned. "you can't possibly do this to me, not now, not ever."

taehee sighed before loud sobs escaped from her mouth. "han jisung, i gave you everything you wanted, but this is the question that determines whether you are actually the one i want," she looked down at the knife before closing her eyes.

"do you actually believe in me?"

why that boy gotta be such a cockblock han jisung can gladly punch me anyday 🤤✊🏼

sorry for not updating for so long! school is hella tiring & haven't exactly been having the best week but it's all good now,,,, the guy i like is really really cute :~)

love, twinkle.

1:43 | han jisungWhere stories live. Discover now