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taehee continued to stare at the bland hospital walls, reflecting her mind. they were blank, any thoughts other than jisung were refusing to enter.

"taehee?" she heard someone call her and she looked up, almost too fast. changbin stood in front of her, his eyes red and sore as well. "oh, changbin, hey."

"has jisung, um, woken up?" changbin asked, his voice cracking with every word. taehee shook her head sadly. he sighed before gesturing her to get up from her seat. "i should probably take over from here, you should go. it's getting really late too."

taehee shook her head again, but for a different reason. "i won't leave until he wakes up again." she stood her ground firmly.

to her surprise, changbin scoffed. "i already asked you to leave nicely. what's the point of you even being here anyway?" taehee opened her mouth to retort at his indirect insult, but he shut her up by taunting her with questions.

"i mean, i'm jisung's best friend since we were little kids. what are you to him?" taehee felt her blood boil inside of her. but deep inside, a little bit of her hurt too as the words rang in her head. what was she actually to jisung?

a girl who appeared in his dreams every twelve hours, at the time of love? what more was there to their cuddles and kisses that got deeper every time? if she had disappeared, where would he be? did he really love her? did he really care if she just walked away now?

he would. but would he?

"i love him—" she started.

"you? love him?" changbin jibed at her with a small chuckle. "taehee, let me tell you something straight right here, right now." he sat himself down next to her, taking off his black cap and running a hand through his hair.

"if you really loved him as much as you said you did," he looked her in the eye, his screaming darkness and obvious anger, "he wouldn't be here right now." with that, he stood up forcefully and threw his cap on the floor, huffing in fury.

just then, the door opened and the nurse walked out. "han jisung?" immediately, the pair turned around at the same time, forgetting whatever they had talked about before. "he has woken up, but he's very weak, so try not to disturb him too much." she instructed before walking away.

taehee and changbin walked in to see jisung, eyes closed, his body lying motionless on the bed. his chest lifted and fell with a steady motion, and taehee smiled at how at ease and peaceful he looked.

changbin walked to one side, and taehee to the other. changbin took jisung's hand in his and slowly called his name.

jisung slowly opened his eyes and turned to changbin, smiling weakly. "hey," he whispered almost inaudibly, and changbin choked on the tears that were forming in his eyes. "you feeling better?" jisung laughed softly. "i can't even feel my body, dude."


jisung turned to the other side and frowned when taehee smiled at him. he turned back to changbin and back again to taehee.

taehee's face fell. "jisung? is there something wrong?" she took his hand and squeezed it lightly. jisung looked down at their hands and slowly tried to retreat.

jisung winced at his thought process, as many questions raced through his mind. he managed to voice out one of them in a soft murmur, "are you sure you're the nurse who treated me?"

taehee looked at him with different emotions painted across her face as she looked at changbin again, who wore the expression similar to hers. she replayed his words as they finally began to sink in.

"i'm pretty sure the nurse who treated me was different," jisung added softly, confirming taehee's worst nightmare. her breathing began to hitch, as with trembling hands she slowly let go of his.

"changbin?" jisung turned to his best friend, who was beginning to look equally as pale.

"is this supposed to be somebody i know?"

hiii i'm sick atm..... of life!

but ye! hope everyone's been having a great day so far :~)

love, twinkle.

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