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"jisung, why didn't you tell me this earlier?" jisoo sighed as she ran a frustrated hand through her hair, "you know i could have helped you somehow, right?"

"how, jisoo? how could you have helped me? you can't make her disappear, can you?" jisung's voice began to hit higher octaves. "nobody can make her disappear."

jisoo huffed, her brother was right. "nobody else can, but can you?" jisung looked up at her questionably. "can you make her disappear? disappear from your life completely?"

jisung thought about it. he did make her disappear, well sort of, but not for good. she came back, even when he didn't ask her too.

but that was only because he didn't actually want her to go. he found solace in their conversations, their cuddles, their deep kisses.

despite all that, something just made the whole situation so, very odd. jisung felt as if there was a certain point in time that she would come around. he never took notice of it, but it was worth the thought.

"that's only if you really want her to disappear." the words cut through jisung like a knife; his sister was right. did he really want her to go for good?


the doorbell rang and jisoo turned around. "i'll get that, wait here." jisung heard the shuffling of feet, the opening of a door and hushed voices. he looked down at his watch. 1:43pm, it read. he made a mental note of it.

"jisung, changbin is here," she stopped before continuing, "and another female friend of yours." jisung immediately looked up, but only changbin was there. changbin walked up to him and sat himself next to him.

"jisung," he whispered softly, "she's here too, okay? i told her there was no need to come, but she insisted. so i came with her, but don't say anything harsh to her, okay?" jisung gulped before nodding slowly.

he refused to make eye contact with her as she walked into the room. "jisung, how are you feeling?" jisung winced slightly at her voice. he hummed, "i'm fine. you don't need to worry. you can go now." she sighed and turned around to leave.

jisung, shocked by her actually agreeing to leave, quickly looked up. "wait, taehee," he shocked himself by saying her name. it hurt to say her name. "can i ask you something?" she turned around and jisung made eye contact with her.

they stared into each other's eyes, and jisung knew it were the same eyes he saw every single time she was with him. "do you not remember anything from last night?" he managed to softly croak out, his voice getting weaker with every word.

changbin opened his mouth to say something, but stopped himself when taehee answered for herself. "last night? i was at home the whole of last night, jisung. i didn't meet you at all." she stated simply and turned around to walk away.

at that moment, jisung wanted to scream, cry, yell at her. did she really not remember? did she really not know anything?

was it really her?

jisung called out to her one last time. "taehee, wait!" she turned around to face jisung, whose tears had started to roll down his cheeks. "i need to tell you something." he stood up and walked up to her.

he took her by the cheeks and pressed their lips together. it was the exactly same ones he had kissed, he knew it for sure. he knew it was her. then why could she not say it to him? was it really so hard?

taehee tried her best to push him away, but jisung was too strong for her. when he finally pulled away, he whispered against her lips, his breath harsh and hot, "don't ever come near my sight again. because if you do, i'll kill you."

im so sorry this took so long school is a shit


AND LIKE YO i was so close to them LOOK AT THIS SHIT in the attached im shaken for life

love, twinkle.

1:43 | han jisungWhere stories live. Discover now