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"just call her, jisung," changbin repeated for what seemed like the billionth time, "i can't believe you just passed out on her like that."

"what do you expect me to do?" jisung groaned in reply, running a frustrated hand through his hair to sooth his pounding head. "my headache is getting worse by the dream."

changbin sighed on the other end of the line. "go to sleep, jisung," he instructed, "but before that, just call eunha and apologise to her, please."

this time it was jisung's time to sigh, as he hummed in reluctant agreement and hung up. changbin had sent him eunha's number again, and jisung called the girl unwillingly.

she picked up almost immediately. "han jisung, i was just waiting for this call." jisung rolled his eyes at her attitude that he was clearly getting tired of already.

"i called just to say sorry. now can your petty and cocky ass sleep in peace?" eunha rolled her eyes and scoffed. "don't worry, jisung," she chuckled evily, "i don't think i'll be sleeping any time soon, either."

jisung blinked. "what do you mean?"

another chuckle resonated on the other end. "turn on your camera, jisung," jisung followed her instructions, and on the bigger display showed eunha, in only her bra and a shirtless man next to her.

"this is what i mean, han jisung," she turned to the guy and began to kiss him full on the mouth. jisung gritted his teeth. "screw you, eunha," he spat before hanging up the phone.

he closed his eyes and huffed. he allowed a tear to drop from his eyes. he wasn't feeling upset or whatsoever; hell, he was far from that — he was... frustrated?

frustrated that he had to go through this — why could he not love this girl in his dreams in real life? why did he not remember anything about "his ex"? why did it feel like he was falling in love for the first time, when it was simply all over again?


"because jisung, i did something," whispered a soft voice and jisung opened his eyes and turned his head to face his dream girl. "i did something horrible. if i tell you, you wouldn't love me anymore."

jisung closed his eyes and another tear rolled down his cheek. "what did you do?" he managed to croak out softly. he was angry at dream girl; but he didn't know why — strangely — he could not express it.

"i... i erased your memories, jisung. any memories you had about any girl in your life." her voice was weak, afraid.

jisung opened both his eyes and met her twinkling ones. they were holding tears that were threatening to escape. "jisung, i can explain—"

"—no, you don't need to explain anything to me," jisung could show his anger now, despite it being subtler than how overwhelming it actually was.

"just... just leave me alone, please. i don't want to see you ever again." jisung murmured, loud enough, however, for dream girl to hear. jisung heard a soft sob escape from her lips, but he did not budge.

"fine, jisung," she hissed coldly at him, "i'll leave." jisung felt the warm presence slowly leave from the room as the chill atmosphere embraced him once again.

this time, he cried out loud — but for a completely different reason — his dream girl had vanished, this time for good.

hello it's my fourth day of college and i only found (1) good looking guy if this keeps up im going to end up having someone as good looking as jyp as my boyfriend

ps just found out that that (1) guy is taken....... i'm fine. totally fine. 🤷🏽‍♀️

love, twinkle.

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