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"oh, jisung, you're awake," jisung's sister, jisoo, mused. jisung huffed before sitting up on his bed.

"what happened?" he asked while rubbing his head. jisoo shook her head. "you passed out in school," she sighed and fumbled with her fingers. "and according to your teachers and friends, this is not the first time this has happened."

jisung blinked. "i don't know why it keeps happening though," he tried to recall today's incident, and then suddenly remembered the girl. her.

his eyes widened. he turned sharply at jisoo. "where is she?"

this time it was jisoo's turn to blink in confusion. "what are you talking about, jisung?" jisung's breathing began to hitch as he got out of his bed frantically, leaving his protesting sister behind.

with only her on his mind, he swung his coat around his shoulders and walked out of the door of his home. he didn't know where he was walking to, but all he knew that he needed to find her. he couldn't even call out for her name; she didn't have one. or did she?

jisung recalled the introduction she made. "i am kang taehee." kang taehee, kang taehee, kang taehee. jisung's mind clicked to register the name as he began to shout her name at the top of his lungs.

he didn't even stop to catch his breath, his voice cracking with agony with every syllable of her name. he earned the judgmental stares of the handful of people around him, mostly from the line of bars along the street.

his eyes began to water as he fell onto his knees. "taehee," he cried under his breath, the last of his energy drained, "please come back to me."


he felt somebody touch his shoulder and jisung looked up with tears in his eyes. "jisung," dream girl's cheeks were also soaked with tears. jisung choked on his tears as he mustered a small smile.

"it's been awhile, hasn't it?" he chuckled sadly and dream girl returned it weakly. he sat upright on his knees and opened his arms. dream girl allowed another tear to fall from her eye as she slapped his arms playfully.

"why are you even offering me a hug?" she laughed and jumped onto jisung, pressing their lips together. she wrapped her arms around jisung's neck, deepening the kiss with every ticking second.

jisung hugged her as tightly as he could, refusing to let her go. he murmured soft 'i love you's and 'i missed you's in between kisses, with dream girl returning it with small giggles.

jisung pulled away from the kiss first, locking eyes with her. in her eyes held all the love he could ever give in the world — all for her — and her only.

"i love you," he whispered against her lips, "taehee." and when he leaned in to kiss her again, there she went again — gone.

and when jisung opened his eyes, he began to cry again — he was in the exact same position just now — but he wasn't crying because of that; he was crying because she had left him.


"jisung!" he heard her sister call him from afar before bending down in front of him. "jisung, why are you making my job as your older sister so hard? seriously, you need to stop—" she stopped when she looked at her broken brother, crying softly in the cold, winter snow.

jisoo swallowed her words and reached out to hug and warm him, and she could hear him cry louder in her chest. "jisung," she patted his back and hugged him closer to him, "whoever is doing this to you deserves to die."

and for once, jisung did not know if he agreed with her — if he agreed that the love of his life deserved to die.

why is this story so messed up

love, twinkle.

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