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"okay, so who is this eunha girl you were talking about yesterday?" jisung asked and changbin gave him a questioning look. "wait, do you really not remember who she is?" he grabbed jisung's shoulders and examined his face.

"wah, this boy," changbin shook his head and looked ahead of him. "yah, yoo eunha!" he called out and a girl at the front turned around. jisung's eyes widened. "dude, why did you call her?"

the girl smirked and walked up to jisung and changbin's seats. following her movements were the eyes of the other students in class; all tuned in to eunha and jisung's first interaction in months. eunha sat herself on jisung's table and grinned fakely. "yes, jisung?"

"uh, changbin was the one calling you, not me," he chuckled at her cocky attitude and the class erupted with 'ooh's. eunha scoffed and rolled her eyes.

changbin cleared his throat and leaned towards jisung, "do you seriously still not remember her or something? does she not even look familiar to you?" jisung cocked his head to the side and tried his utmost best to make out who she was, to no avail.

"i really don't remember who she is," he huffed, before turning to face eunha, "and by judging her attitude thus far, i'm kind of glad i don't." eunha gasped at his words and slammed her fist on the table.

"what rubbish is he blabbering about?" eunha turned to face changbin, who raised his both hands as a symbol of innocence. with now blazing eyes, she looked at jisung again and jabbed a finger on his chest. "what's your problem, han jisung? do you seriously think that you can throw away all those memories so simply?"

this time, it was jisung's turn to scoff. "i think i already have."

eunha screamed in frustration, "do you really not remember anything, you useless piece of trash?! you were my first kiss, my first sleepover, my first cuddle, and most scarring —" hot tears began to well in her eyes, "— you were the first man who made love to me."

the class burst into hushed whispers and jisung sighed deeply, burying his head in his hands. and when he closed his eyes to ease the headache that was beginning to hurt his head, he blacked out once again.


jisung opened his eyes and lifted his head from his hands. once again, he was back in that dark, isolated room. "jisung," dream girl spoke softly, and jisung stood up and turned around, trying to find her. but she was nowhere to be found.

"where are you?" he whispered back, and he could hear her sigh. "i'm really sad, that's why i can't face you today," she confessed and jisung's eyes furrowed. "why not? what's wrong?"

"that eunha girl, she's way prettier than me. you're going to leave me for her. what's the point of loving each other anyway, right? you will never know who i am, either," her voice cracked and jisung frowned. "where are you?" he asked once again, "come here."

unwillingly, from the darkness secluding the both of them, out came dream girl in what she always wore — white dress, no shoes, no accessories. just her. jisung vowed at that moment that despite never knowing her identity, he would love her.

jisung opened his arms and she ran into them, beginning to sob softly into his chest. jisung hugged her tightly before lifting her chin up to reveal her tear-stained face.

slowly, but gently, he kissed her tears that were on her cheeks, speaking words of reassurance each time. "i promise i'll never leave you", "you are the most beautiful girl in the world", "you are my everything."

"you're crazy," dream girl said, pulling away. "it's only been four encounters with you."

jisung grinned, kissing her nose. "and many more to come." he leaned in to kiss her lips, but when he did, she had disappeared once again; leaving the lonely boy alone once again.

school starts this week for me after a two month long break and i just realised i haven't done shit why does this happen every holiday gdi

side note i made an ao3 account! hmu my @ is the same as my one here :~)

love, twinkle.

1:43 | han jisungWhere stories live. Discover now