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"jisung, can you please eat something? or at least, for my sake, say something?" changbin begged repeatedly, only to fall onto deaf ears.

"i'm fine, changbin, really," jisung smiled at his best friend reassuringly, despite his voice aching without conviction at all.

"no you're not, jisung! you haven't been eating properly or sleeping properly or talking properly for more than a month now!" changbin raised his voice and stood up. by now, the class was subtly tuned into their conversation.

jisung's eyes began to water; no, jisung — you are being such a baby — a petty, overly-sensitive baby. he told himself this mantra over and over again, but the tears still began to fall from his eyes.

"i miss her, okay?" he managed to croak out, burying his head in his knees, "i love her so much, damn, i didn't even know how she looked like, but i still loved her. no, i still love her. i'm going to love her forever." he cried softly and changbin's eyes softened.

"hey, jisung, come here," he pulled jisung into his arms while the latter sobbed into his chest. "let's get you cleaned up okay?" he stood up slowly with jisung still in his arms as they made  their way to the washroom.

"oh gosh, look at me," jisung chuckled sadly at his own reflection — he was notably much skinnier, his cheekbones were showing, his eyes were coloured underneath in black, his nose was stuffy, his eyes were red — hell, he was a mess.

changbin could only smile weakly back, patting his back. "you're going to be just fine soon, you hear me, jisung?" he reassured and jisung nodded slowly.

they walked back into class to find their teacher at the front of the class, making an announcement. "class, we have a new student who will be joining us for the rest of the year. i hope you'll mingle with her well and include her as well." he gestured for her to come in.


the girl made her entrance; she greeted the class with a bright, cheerful smile. "hello, i hope we will get along well!" jisung froze. that voice. he had heard it before. it was her voice.

he looked up from his fingers with eyes wide open as she continued to introduce herself. "i'm kang tae—" she stopped as she made eye contact with jisung. she tensed up for a good three seconds before she shook her head and continued.

"—i'm kang taehee. i'll look forward to making friends with all of you!" she smiled again and jisung looked away. "taehee," he repeated her name under his breath, "taehee, taehee, taehee."

"you can sit over there, taehee," he could hear his teacher's voice faintly in the background, as well as the shuffling of feet.

"oh hi, taehee! i'm changbin," jisung's head began to hurt immensely as the voices began to get softer. "this is jisung. jisung, say hello!" changbin slapped him on the shoulder and jisung snapped out of his daze.

he looked ahead of him, only to see those similar features and smile, all in his face again. however, his seemed completely unrecognisable to her, as she continued to flash a pleasant smile at him.

"hey, jisung, i'm taehee! i'm looking forward to having you as a friend." she extended her hand and jisung stared at it blankly. he slowly stretched out his hand and allowed their fingers to brush against each other's.

his eyes began to tear up as he tried to stiffle a sob. it was her — no it couldn't be — or could it? "jisung, i think you can let go of her hand now," he heard changbin say to him softly and jisung looked at her, unable to control his tears anymore as he murmured his first words to her.

"my dream girl."

yesterday i embarrassed myself by doing a dare in front of my eyecandy and i think 293828 years are shaved off my life now, it was nice knowing yall! time to die

love, twinkle.

1:43 | han jisungWhere stories live. Discover now