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"jisung," the girl breathes into his ear, causing goosebumps to form on his skin. he shivers, not from the cold, but just from her simple touch.

"you know how much i love you, right?" she presses her lips onto his ear and his breath begins to hitch. "h-how much?" he whimpers and she chuckles, before moving her mouth away.

she cups his cheeks in her soft, delicate hands and turns to face him. jisung notices that her face isn't visible in the dark. the light was only facing him.

he squints his eyes and looks down, only to see that she was on his lap; her legs straddling his waistline. he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, ready for her to kiss him again.

she moves their bodies forward till jisung is on his back, with her on top of him. "jisung, look at me," her breath is hot against his lips, and he opens his eyes slowly.

she was more beautiful than any other girl he has ever seen; her face was prefectly symmetrical, everything was awe-strikingly proportional. but only one question was ringing in his head.

who was she?

the question kept replaying itself in his head, till it began to hurt. he winced lightly from the pain as he held his head. "who... are you?" he managed to ask in a deep, husky voice.

the girl leaned in and pressed their lips together. she held the back of his head and pushed it in, deepening the kiss. jisung only then realised that the ringing had stopped.

not wanting the painful sensation to return, he grabbed her by the back and pressed their bodies together. by now they were engaged in a heavy make-out session; and both parties were not intending to stop anytime soon.

the girl slowly pulled her lips away from his, even though their bodies were still within close proximity. they gasped for air and jisung leaned in to peck her lips lightly, smiling against the kiss.

"jisung," she sighed, "you will never know who i am," and with that, jisung found himself holding onto thin air. she had disappeared.

jisung sat up with a start. the sweat was dripping down his head. he looked around and saw that nobody was around. he got out of his bed and ran towards the toilet. he looked at his own reflection and gasped.

his lips — they were a deep shade of red — a sure sign of swelling. he licked his chops; there was definitely a taste he never knew existed on them. he slammed his hands onto the mirror, breathing heavily.

"who are you?" he asked, though he knew that he wasn't getting an answer anytime soon.

hi! sorry for always publishing and unpublishing, hopefully i won't lose motivation to write this lmao

love, twinkle.

1:43 | han jisungWhere stories live. Discover now