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changbin sat awkwardly next to taehee and she continued to sob softly to herself. "changbin, what's happening?" "is this real?" "please tell me this is a dream." taehee would comment in between her cries, and changbin would just nod slowly and not a say a word.

he was equally as confused as her, he didn't know what was happening. jisung just, forgot. he remembered everybody, his family members, his friends, everybody who came to visit him in the last ten hours or so.

he remembered all, except for her. the scene of what happened hours back kept replaying in both his and taehee's heads, as the pair simply could not come to terms with what was actually happening.

"changbin?" jisung turned to his best friend, who was beginning to look equally as pale.

"is this supposed to be somebody i know?"

taehee swallowed the large lump that was forming in her throat. she took small steps back, her hands trembling from hell knows what. everything seemed to suddenly engulf her — anger, confusion, despair — everything.

"j-jisung," her voice shook, "it's me, taehee."

jisung raised a brow, took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "taehee?" he looked as if he were genuinely trying his very best to remember her. he shook his head after awhile, and sighed while slumping back in his chair.

"i'm sorry, but the antibiotics are getting to me, my head hurts," he huffed before looking at taehee and smiling innocently at taehee, "but if you did mean somewhat to me in my life, thank you for taking the time off to see me."

taehee couldn't believe her ears. she couldn't hold it in any longer. she began to cry softly to herself, allowing the tears to escape from her eyes. changbin walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders, leading her to the door.

"changbin, wait," she managed to mumble, and changbin heard her. she turned around to make eye contact with jisung. her glassy eyes met his empty ones — for a moment, it looked as if all the memories that jisung and taehee made together — they were simply erased in front of each other's eyes, but only taehee could see them, whereas jisung could not.

"jisung, you know who were you to me?" she choked on her tears, "you were everything to me."

jisung waved his next group of friends goodbye and his smile quickly faded away. he turned to his side as he replayed the incident with taehee once again.

he genuinely did not remember her, but why could he not? why did he only not remember her, not anyone else, but her? who was she, what made her so special that he did not have any recollection of her at all?

he closed his eyes and found himself sleeping immediately.


jisung looked around the dark room, it was empty. "hello, where am i?" he asked himself, his voice reverberating the air around him.

"jisung, you're here," jisung turned around to see taehee on the ground, on her knees. she was sobbing quietly to herself, the tears streaming down her face.

"taehee," he bent down on his knees and held her shoulders. "i'm sorry, i really don't remember you," he felt horrible to confess the words in front of the broken girl.

"let me tell you who i was," taehee swallowed the lump in her throat and continued, "jisung, you were the love of my life. i was yours. in the beginning, i only appeared in your dreams. nowhere else. i made you feel loved, and you made me feel loved. we loved each other so much, and we longed to feel the love for the whole day before we met again.

"we would only meet at a specific time — 1:43 — the time of love. at 1:43, we would love each other deeply, and we both found comfort in each other's embrace, lips, bodies. physical touches only brought us closer to each other.

"but things came in the way, and soon, our relationship was not all love and joy. i would put you in despair, and you would put me in that as well. so much shit happened, but we knew that we still loved each other deeply at the end of it all.

"and the thing is that, harm that was inflicted on me was then brought upon you, which was so unfair for you. i was supposed to kill myself so that your misery would end, your memories would be erased once i was gone.

"but your memories are erased even though both of us are still alive. so i don't think i can do this anymore, jisung. it's too painful for me."

jisung's eyes were watering as well, as the pair cried with pain and longing thickening their voices. jisung felt something click in taehee's hands and he looked down to see a gun in them. his eyes widened, and he tried to grab it from her hands, but he could not. he just could not hold them.

"jisung, this was what was supposed to happen. i'm sorry that your happiness didn't last forever, and i'm sorry i could not be here for you forever." she stood up and cupped jisung's face with her right hand. she leaned down to press their lips together, tears rolling down both of their cheeks.

taehee and jisung both wished they could stay that way forever, but they both knew they couldn't. taehee pulled away first, pointing the barrel on her head. "it was the best feeling being your dream girl, my dream boy.

"i promise you, that when we meet each other again, we will meet again at 1:43."

both of them closed their eyes and heard the gunshot loudly, jisung letting out a cry of despair the moment he heard it. he wept as he opened his eyes, and she was there no more.

but this time he knew, she was actually never coming back again.

what is UP with all these long emo chapters all of a sudden lols

but hey this book is ending soon awww sad face,,, BUT i may start another one soon and it's going to be angst again, but i need a main male lead for my book so ANY SUGGESTIONS on who i should write about!!! (so far i have jungwoo (nct) but i need a few more to choose from huhu)

have a great week ahead everyone!!

love, twinkle.

1:43 | han jisungWhere stories live. Discover now