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jisung sighed before opening up his laptop. his eyes were red from he didn't even know what anymore — crying, lack of sleep, everything, really. he really just wanted to huddle up and bury himself in his bed forever.

still, he was curious about that time. 1:43. what did it mean? was there a hidden meaning to it? he closed his eyes and held his breath before clicking search. he silently prayed that nothing related to that odd timing would appear.

but luck was never on han jisung's side, as he silently gasped in shock as he looked at the first search result that appeared.


someone closed his eyes from behind. immediately, jisung felt his heart beat slow down. the sweaty palms that he had just five minutes ago were now gone. he sighed.

"why are you here again?" he managed to ask strenly, before pushing the two hands away from his eyes. "i told you not to come near me ever again." he refused to turn his chair around.

"but jisung, how long do you think you can stay away from me?" she taunted, her voice equally toneful as his. the silence between them thickened, before she broke it once again.

"so i guess you found out about my little secret, on what time i usually want to give you a visit, right? meaningful, isn't it?" jisung felt her lean in closer to him. soon, he felt her warm breath on the back on his ear. jisung's breath hithced.

"don't do anything, please," he softly gasped when she kissed his ear softly, knowing that it was one his soft spots. jisung felt his body weaken, but he told himself he could not give in to her.

"taehee, stop, please." he croaked out, his voice husky. dream girl stopped and took a step back. "i'm sorry, jisung. i'll go now." he turned around to call her again, but once again, just like the usual, she was gone.

his face crumpled as he looked at the screen again which reflected the timing and the hidden meaning behind it. the timing he got to cry, laugh, and experience love. experience love with the girl he loved most.

143 is used to mean "I love you". 1 meaning I for 1 letter, 4 meaning Love for the 4 letters, and 3 meaning You for the 3 letters.

"dream girl," he asked softly, to nobody in particular, not knowing if she was actually listening to him, "will i only get to experience love with you at 1:43?"

and softly, from the distance, jisung thought he was losing his sanity, but he swore he heard his girl whisper softly to him.

"yes, jisung — 1:43 will always be our time to experience love with each other."

so sorry for not updating sch sucks and i was having council camp grr

ps just wanted to address something!! like i know some of yall have been commenting on this part of the book where eunha was like oH jisung u were the first guy to have made love with me and i am fully aware jisung is still a minor! which is why as you can see he was very humiliated by it, but then again, eunha could have just been lying about it the whole time because he doesn't remember, yea? so it's up to you to decide on your own perspective, but i'm not trying to sexualise jisung as a minor, i promise! hope this clears things up hehe : )

have a great week ahead everyone!!

love, twinkle.

1:43 | han jisungWhere stories live. Discover now