Chapter 4

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"Kakashi-sensei is late again," Sakura grumbled, crossing her arms. Sasuke rolled his eyes, he has been doing that a lot that he thinks that his eyeballs might get stuck in the back of his head. Where is Naruto? Naruto should be here by now.

Naruto jumped over the heads of a bunch of people, making them scream curses at her as she weaved through the crowds, once again getting chased by villagers. It was getting close to her 16th birthday and they are already up-ing their violence and number of attempts to kill her. I'm a chunnin! I should be able to defend myself fine. NO! I can't do that. I can't hurt them. Naruto thought as she accidentally bumped into someone. "Hey! Watch where you're going, idiot!" Naruto rolled on to her feet and tried to help the person up. "I'm so sorry Kiba."
"Che! What's the rush, dobe? Late for your team meeting?" Kiba asked jokingly. Naruto's eyes narrowed. She would only tolerate Sasuke calling her dobe because she knows that it was just an affection best friend nickname from Sasuke but whenever anyone else says it, they are clearly insulting her. "Don't call me that, dog breath, I don't like it. "
"Pftt. Why does it matter what you think anyway." Kiba said casually, unaware that he had hurt Naruto with his words. "You're just the dead last, nothing special. You don't even come from an important clan." Kiba sneered. Naruto lowered her head, Kiba is right. LET ME AT HIM! LET ME AT HIM! He clearly doesn't pay attention during class! Uzumakis are the founding clans of this repulsive village! The Uzumaki swirl is EVERYWHERE! Kurama growled and pounded the ground. Let's go kit, don't waste your time on this stinky boy. The fox suggested.
But Kurama... Kiba is right. I am nothing special. Why do I think I deserve any recognition for bringing Tsunade baa-chan back and defeating Gaara, and helping Neji with his fate is the only answer mindset... I don't deserve anything Kurama. Naruto said softly, her head bowed in front of the demon fox. Kiba had shattered a bit of her trust she had for him. "I'm sorry I bumped into you Kiba-san." Naruto apologized softly, bowing down to Kiba before running away. "HEY wait! What?" Kiba called out, confused. Why was that boy acting like this? Kiba wondered before shrugging his shoulders and going to meet his team. "Maybe I shouldn't go to the team meeting," Naruto mumbled to herself as she opened her house door.
"Why not?" A voice asked from behind her, making her jump. Sasuke was standing behind her, tapping his foot. "I- uh... I haven't had breakfast and I will just slow the team down." Sasuke sighed, how many times does he have to remind Naruto that it is Sakura that slows the both of them down, not the other way around. "Dobe, it is Sakura that slows us down, not you." Sasuke said to Naruto who had her head down. Be brave, Sasuke. Go comfort her. Sasuke said to himself as he clenched and unclenched his fist to try relax himself. Sasuke reaches a hand out, making Naruto flinch, thinking that Sasuke was going to hit her. Sasuke slowed but still continued to reach for Naruto's hand. He closed a hand around Naruto's wrist and pulled her closer to give her a hug. "Tell me what's wrong." Sasuke said, gently. Naruto would never miss a team meeting, not even if the blond was extremely hungry. She buried her face in his chest, breathing in his scent. This was one thing that Naruto liked about Sasuke, the man may be emo most of the time but he read a lot of people very well. "Kiba called me a dobe." Naruto muttered, there was no point hiding it from Sasuke. She felt his arms tighten around her. Only he can call Naruto a dobe, no one else can. "I'll go beat him up." Sasuke said curtly after releasing her from the hug. Naruto's arm instinctively shot out to stop him. "It's okay Sasuke. It doesn't matter anymore. Let's go."
"I don't wanna see pinky though." Sasuke almost whined, making Naruto laugh before grabbing his hand and dragging him along. Sasuke looked down at their hands interlocking each other's. I'm holding Naruto's hand. I'm holding Naruto's hand. I'm holding Naruto's hand. Excitement and happiness bubbled in Sasuke internally. Naruto seem to noticed suddenly that they were holding hands as she released Sasuke's hand quickly and shoved her hands into her orange pants and apologised. Sasuke sighed. He wanted to hold Naruto's hand. I should confess. Should I? I don't know how to confess! I want Naruto to know how I feel! But should I? Sasuke battled his own thoughts as they made their way to the bridge where their pink haired teammate was waiting with a tapping foot. They both groan quietly, another day of having their ear drums blown.

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