Chapter 38

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"If I find a single hair on Naruto out of place, somebody is going to get hurt." Fugaku said, his voice even and calm, but they knew. They could hear the anger coursing his entire being. They continued on towards the forest of death, scanning along the way hoping that the blond was everywhere else but the forest where they first attended a chuunin exam. Sasuke felt his heart clench, he should've tried harder. He said he would always be there for Naruto and that he would always protect Naruto but here they are, looking for the blond and praying she is not injured. He should have tried harder to pull Naruto out from her depression, he knew that she had been suffering since forever and that being with him helped her in ways that nobody ever could but he also knew that it wasn't good enough. If it had been good enough, the blond wouldn't be slipping deeper and deeper into depression and constant states of anxiety.
"When we find Naruto, remember that her safety is priority." Itachi said, addressing everyone knowing that everyone would burst into anger when they find the small blond and would do anything to get back at the people who hurt her. But they will also have to remember that Naruto might be injured or hurting so they have to tend to her first.

"That's what you get for poisoning the minds of the all mighty Uchihas!" A woman screeched as she stomped her foot down, connecting with Naruto's chest and a sickening crack was heard. That made everyone in the mob grin, the gruesome sound oddly satisfying especially to the villagers that have never killed before, neither do they have experienced the horrors of a battlefield. Naruto let out a small gasp when the foot hit her and felt the acute pain shoot through her as her ribs broke. Naruto felt hot tears flowing from her eyes, making the villagers laugh at her pain before she felt a tight slap across her face. "Demons like you don't deserve to cry. You are so pathetic, you never showed mercy when our families cried and beg to be spared. Now you shall pay, demon brat!" The villager claimed, even though knowing in the back of his mind that there was no way there was time for crying and begging for mercy, it was not like the nine-tailed fox got to their eye level and stared them down before destroying them during the invasion.
Kurama growled so fiercely, it scared Naruto even more, afraid that Kurama was also going to turn on her. The fox softened, reprimanding itself for scaring Naruto. Shhh. It's okay Naruto. I'm here. Kurama reassured in their mental landscape where Naruto came to hide in.
Where are those stupid Uchiha brats? Kurama hissed to itself, trying to reach out to see if he could connect with Sasuke.

Sasuke jolted when he heard Kurama's voice in his head. Hurry up brat. We are in the Forest of Death. Southeast. You better be here in 0.5 seconds or I will skin you when I get out. Kurama growled when he saw that the villagers were bringing out gasoline. The demon heard the blond whimper and curl herself into a tighter bundle in his fluffy tails - she had seen what they were about to do as well. It wasn't the first time they tried to set her on fire, the first time she had actually started burning but an Anbu had arrived to save her. She was only 5 when it had happened.
QUICKLY. They are going to set Kit on fire! Kurama boomed. Sasuke let out a gasp, making everyone look at him.
"Forest. South East now."
"NOW. They are going to set Naruto on fire!" Sasuke snapped as he shunshinned to where he reached out and felt Naruto's faint chakra signature with the others following him mindlessly, still shocked at what he just said to them. He had arrived just as one villager finished pouring the liquid all over Naruto and another readied a fire jutsu. Sasuke moved without thinking, standing between Naruto and the fireball heading his way. He braces himself for it but.. nothing. No pain. Sasuke cracked open an eye to see a translucent yellow wall in front of him, it was Naruto's chakra. Good thing you have not picked up that Hatake brat's bad habit. Kurama said to Sasuke in their mental link. "N-naruto?" Sasuke called out hesitatingly.

Naruto ain't conscious. Protecting you is something she would do until her very last breath. Her chakra acts like that gaki Gaara's sand around you. Sasuke nodded to himself as if whatever Kurama had just said answers all of life's questions. He immediately begins tending to Naruto, ignoring the villagers that were cheering him on as if he was going to kill his precious girlfriend for some pathetic village.

Sasuke was trying to not lash out at the villagers as Naruto needed him right now. He could feel the cold killing intent from behind him, making him turn around to see who it was as it was making Naruto flinch and shy away subconsciously. Fugaku and Mikoto stood between the villagers and the rest of them, their faces void of all emotions but their sharingans spinning to life. The villagers took a few steps back in fear at the power bloodlines before them, some dropping to their knees at the sheer force of the unspoken anger directed at them. "Nara-san, if you will please do the honours," Mikoto said, turning her cold angry gaze towards Shikamaru who was already on the move before the female clan head even finished.

"Naruto? Please wake up. Talk to me." Sasuke whispered pleadingly, clutching Naruto in his arms while waiting for help to arrive. Kurama had yelled at him for moving the blond so he had sent someone to go get Tsunade to come over. Brat, she cannot hear you, I have tried coaxing her out of her retreat but she doesn't respond to me. I am sorry Sasuke, it might be futile t- Kurama was interrupted when Sasuke had growled back at him through the mental link, making the demon smirk to himself. The Uchiha brat had finally figured out how to use the mental link. 'Don't say it is futile to save her! I love Naruto with my entire existence, she is the person I want to marry... the person I want to spend the rest of my existence with. She makes me so happy and content with life even when she was not feeling the same about her life. I want to spend the rest of my life showing her that she is loved and will always be loved by her true friends and family.'

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