Chapter 29

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Kami give me patience before I commit a murder. Kurama chanted menacingly under his breath as he watched the Spring country brat clinging onto Sasuke and trying to convince him to dump Naruto for her. Somebody hold me back before I kill her. Uchiha brat! Kurama boomed, Naruto watched Sasuke and she saw him flinch slightly, looking around shocked. Why did you do that fuzzball? You scared him! He doesn't know you can do that! Naruto hissed at the nine-tailed fox through their mental link. Naruto blinked at him and he made a small lip movement that Naruto interpreted as his understanding of her message. He tilted his head a little, asking Naruto silently how to reply to the demon fox. Naruto shook her head to tell him that he doesn't have to worry. Fuzzball, Sasuke is asking what you want.
Uchiha brat, get that little piece of trash off you or kami help me for there will be a dead body soon. Kurama scowled at Sasuke through the mental bond that Sasuke and Naruto shares. Sasuke smirked at the order and with a hard tug, he pulled his arm away from their spring country client and made his way to Naruto. He grabbed her hand and started leading Naruto towards the barbecue restaurant where Shikamaru and Neji said to meet for lunch. The girl screeched in anger and stomped off, making Sasuke and Naruto heave a sigh of relief. "Finally, she's been following me for days." Sasuke grumbled, swinging their interlocked hands slightly. Naruto laughed at his demise, making Sasuke glare at her. "Having trouble with the fandom that you always have?" Naruto teased, laughing even harder when Sasuke started mumbling and cursing.

"Why is she laughing so hard that she looks like she can't breathe?" Shikamaru asked Sasuke when he saw them approaching. Sasuke sighed as he heard Naruto laugh even more. She had lessened her laughter as they approached but then Shikamaru happened. Naruto bent over, gasping and laughing. She tried composing herself but when she straightened and saw in the distance Sasuke's fangirls running towards them squealing, Naruto started laughing again pointing a shaking finger towards the running girls. Sasuke and Shikamaru turned to look, they made a face before they grabbed Naruto and rushed into the restaurant; Neji can find them later somehow, they aren't about to wait outside and get trampled by the fangirls.

The group finished lunch, chatting about the most random things, moving back and forth between the subjects. The boys trying to hide their surprises whenever Naruto's replies were extremely intelligent, Neji and Shikamaru were so used to the obnoxious and idiotic persona that the blond used to hide. The blond was quieter now, not exclaiming the responses and jumping everywhere. She now sits quite still and moves only when she starts laughing or she would shift to get comfortable. They are now heading to the training ground to have a spar, however, their trip was interrupted when an Anbu appeared in front of them.
"The Hokage wishes to see you, Naruto." The others noticed that the Anbu addressed Naruto by her name, which seems quite personal. Why does Naruto know an Anbu so personally?
"Thanks, Boar." Naruto said, the masked man nodded and disappeared from sight. Naruto turned and started walking towards the Hokage tower, knowing the three of them would tag along. "Why does it sound like that Anbu know you so well?" Sasuke asked. Naruto glanced at them but she didn't reply immediately. She looked towards the rooftops and they got the hint. The four ninja leapt up onto the roof, taking the quiet route to the office. "We met a few years ago on my birthday," Naruto paused as if thinking about something and they waited quietly for her to continue.
"I... Well, he basically saved my life. You know how the villagers are about the Kyuubi and how it killed their family members and what not, same old things every day just worse on my birthday." She said it like it was a normal thing that happens to every one. "I had been attacked and I couldn't bring myself to hurt them you see. If it wasn't for Boar stopping to see what was happening and him not hating me, I wouldn't have lived another day. " Naruto explained softly, the others listened, angry that they hadn't noticed it then and that their comrade and good friend almost died but is so accepting of that fate. No one, ever, should be so accepting that they are might get killed one day by their own village members.

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