Chapter 10

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"It's okay Sasuke." Naruto whispered weakly, reaching her hand up to wipe his tears. Sasuke ignored her attempted at stopping him from going to Tsunade. "Look. At least when I'm gone, I finally done something right for once in my life. The villagers would be so happy... Sakura, Choji and stuff would be happy I'm gone too... I'll no longer drag you down and annoy you. At least I did something right... At least you got your mangekyo sharingan." Naruto said softly, her hand clutching Sasuke's shirt front. Sasuke flinched, he didn't want Naruto gone. He didn't care if he never get his mangekyo sharingan. "The demon spawn will be gone, the villagers would be so happy." Naruto mumbled again. Sasuke shook his head, refusing to accept what Naruto said. "But I don't want you gone. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Naruto jerked and shook her head.
"No, Sasuke. You can't. You have to produce a clan heir and marry someone of a certain status... I'm nothing. I'm just a demon."
"You're not a demon. You're not! You're Naruto. You're the one I love so so much. I was such a coward! I wanted to confess so many times and I backed out the last minute because I got scared. Then the times when I want to slowly ease it in, that pink banshee interrupts." Sasuke blabbered, wanting her to stay awake. Naruto looked up at Sasuke weakly. He really was talking about me...
Ha! See. Called it. Kurama said gleefully as he tried his best to quicken his processes to healing Naruto's wounds. "I love you, Naruto. Please don't leave me." Sasuke cried, bursting into Tsunade's office. The woman was about to yell at him for interrupting her attempt at finishing the paperwork when Naruto was shoved in front of her.
"I'm sorry... Sasuke." Naruto whispered weakly, reaching out to touch the raven one more time, tracing his lips and jawline before her hand went slack and her eyes fluttered shut. "NO NO NO NO NO. NARUTO!!" Sasuke wailed, "please Tsunade-sama! I beg you. Please save Naruto. Please." She snapped out of her shock and took Naruto from Sasuke, putting her on the couch. Red chakra leaked from the wounds and mixed into Tsunade's healing chakra. The blond Hokage didn't feel any pain so she let it be for now, instead she saw the wounds rapidly closing from the joint efforts of herself and the nine failed fox inside Naruto. Sasuke watched in amazement at the red chakra mixing with Tsunade's chakra. "Is she okay?"
"She will be fine. But I have to keep her in the hospital as her lungs are filling up with blood and I have to have it drained constantly. She probably wouldn't wake for a while. Go home Sasuke."
"No! I want to stay with her. I can't lose her again."
"Look, if you stay and not take care of yourself, Naruto wouldn't be happy and you might fall sick, meaning you can't take care of Naruto." Tsunade said, urging Sasuke to go home and have some food and some rest first. Tsunade called for Shizune to bring Naruto to the hospital before she settled in her chair, staring at the piece of paper the old coots dare to bring before her face. "Naruto Uzumaki should be banished and trained so that we will have an even more powerful weapon. Uzumaki's possessions and finances should be confiscated and distributed between the council members evenly." They dare! They dare check Naruto's bank account like this. Tsunade fumed. I should write to the daimyo. He would be so mad. Tsunade thought gleefully at what might happen if the daimyo steps in to take action.

"Sasuke! What happened?" Mikoto asked worriedly when Sasuke announced he is home and she went to greet him only to see him covered in blood. Fugaku stood to go to Sasuke. Itachi who just got home and finished showering, came downstairs to see Sasuke covered in blood, his eyes swollen and bloodshot. "Were you hurt badly?" Itachi asked, fussing.
"It's not my blood." Sasuke whispered, Mikoto took his hand and led him to sit down. Sasuke buried his head in his hands. "I got... I got the mangekyo Sharingan." Sasuke muttered into his palm. They tensed, only being through the worst emotional distress will activate the mangekyo. "How?"
"Naruto was... She was running and they came and they tried to kill her and I wasn't fast enough to reach her. I should've just flashed to her! I know how to do that right? Why didn't I do that?! I'm so stupid." Sasuke berated himself, angry that he couldn't protect her. Mikoto ran a hand over his back to comfort him. "Don't beat yourself up about it." Itachi said, looking at his brother.
"Come now, I'll make you some lunch and you can bring some to Naruto." Mikoto said, standing up. Sasuke looked at her before he sighed and hung his head. "I don't know if she can eat. She has to have blood drained from her lungs." Sasuke said, sitting up. Mikoto pondered for a moment before she nodded, rubbing her hands together thinking. "I'll go see my future daughter in law myself then." Mikoto decided, looking pleased. Sasuke's head snapped up so fast, it was a miracle that his neck didn't break. He looked at his family to see that they were smirking at him. "So Fugaku, when would be an auspicious day for marriage?" Mikoto asked, turning to her husband.
"Now now, mother, stop teasing him. He is already turning redder than his favorite tomatoes." Itachi said, making his mother laugh as she skipped into the kitchen. "My son is in love~. My son is in love~."

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