Chapter 6

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Naruto walked with her hands behind her head at the back of the team while Sasuke was being pestered by the one, the only, Haruno Sakura. She watched the scene in amusement. Even though Sasuke is so far away but he still looks so handsome. Naruto thought before laughter boomed in her head. Kit and Sasuke sitting under a tree! K-I. Oft! Kurama got interrupted by Naruto imagining wind and slamming the small tornado into him. Sasuke turned and noticed Naruto was watching them with a weird look on the blond's face. Sasuke can't be with me anyway. He needs to produce an heir for the clan.
Mate. You're a girl too, remember?
The villagers made me infertile remember? Because a 4-year-old getting raped can produce a baby when puberty hasn't arrived yet. Naruto thought bitterly. Kurama was silent as he knew that that was a fact and he could've made her fertile but he knows Naruto doesn't want that. Sasuke was struggling to get Sakura off him because he wanted to be walking with Naruto instead.

The mission was a success - they have retrieved the secret scrolls from the hidden stone village and given their kage the scrolls Tsunade given to the team. They are now heading back to the village when they were confronted by bandits. "Don't hurt them." Naruto said as they were ninjas but the bandits are just civilians holding big knives. "Aw how cute. You look like a nice prize. You will probably sell for a high price." One of the bandits said, smirking at Naruto. Sakura, noticing that they only said Naruto could sell for a high price, screeched about it as she felt insulted. "That's a boy! He is worth nothing! I'm worth more than he does."
"Are you asking us to take you instead?" The bandit asked, having no intention to take Sakura but they wanted to infuriate the girl. "Yeah take her." Sasuke said, pulling Naruto behind him protectively. "WHAT?! Sasuke-kun! You're supposed to protect me, not that fag." Sasuke's eyes hardened at the insult. He looked back to see Naruto looking at the ground again. "Aw shucks. You made the cute blonde sad." The bandits said before they struck, proving that they had at least some decent swordsmanship but not good enough. Naruto jumped in front of Sakura when a sword came at her. The sword cut deep into the flesh on Naruto's stomach. Blood pouring out staining the orange jacket. Naruto clutched her stomach as she sent a roundhouse kick, sending the person flying into Kakashi's opponent, knocking them both out. Naruto staggered towards Sasuke, she didn't know why she decided to head towards Sasuke but she did. Sakura noticed the fight was over, pushed Naruto out of her way as she sprinted towards their raven-haired teammate. Sasuke watched with wide eyes as Naruto was pushed and fell to the ground, his eyes trailed down the arm resting on the stomach and noticed all the blood staining the jacket. Naruto wasn't getting back up. Sasuke ran towards Naruto, Sakura thinking that Sasuke was running towards her to see if she was okay, squealed with delight and stopped to wait for Sasuke to get to her instead. Sasuke ran past her and straight to Naruto.
"Hey. You okay?" Sasuke asked, trying to get Naruto to get up. Naruto groaned and cracked open an eye. "I'll be fine. I heal fast right?" Naruto reassured as she sat up. Sasuke glared. The blond isn't taking care of herself first and he isn't happy about that. "Take off your jacket. We have to clean your wounds first." Sasuke ordered and Naruto began protesting. If I take off my jacket, they'll know! Naruto panicked, worrying about them knowing her true gender. She had an easier time playing along with what people think her gender is than it is going to be if they found she was a girl. Sasuke going to hate me. He is going to be disgusted. Sakura is going to hate me. Kakashi is going to hate me.
Um kit. Kakashi knows, remember?
Right. But. Sasuke...
The little brat will understand. Kurama reassured but Naruto was still worried. Naruto looked to Kakashi for instructions but the man had wanted her to take off her jacket too as he already has a first aid kit out, holding onto the antiseptic. Naruto sighed and took off her jacket. She heard a loud gasp from Sakura but nothing from Sasuke. Naruto looked to Sasuke, only to see him staring at the wound with his Sharingan assessing the damage. Kakashi held out the equipment to Sasuke which he gladly snatched from their Sensei. "You're a girl?!" Sakura screeched in anger. "How can you lie to all of us?!"
"I never hid it from anyone! You guys just assumed." Naruto shot back. Sasuke tsked at her for moving because he accidentally bopped the wound too hard. "Don't move so much, Naruto." Sasuke muttered. Naruto looked on, shocked. Sasuke isn't reacting to any of this. "How did you know?" Naruto asked softly. Sasuke looked at her, even though it didn't look like he was smiling but she saw his eyes twinkling - it was one of the ways she knew the Uchiha was smiling at her. "It wasn't difficult." Naruto huffed at the vague reply.
"Sakura-Chan, I- " Naruto said, trying to explain herself as she reached out to the pink haired ninja. "Don't Sakura-chan me!! And don't touch me, you freak!" Sakura screeched, slapping Naruto's hand away. Naruto retracted her hand, hurt her teammate's words. "That's enough, Sakura. Naruto never hid it from any of you. You just assumed her gender. At this age, if Naruto was a boy, she would have an Adam apple. You didn't look for it yourself." Kakashi reprimanded.
"But if Naruto knew we all mistaken his stupid gender, why didn't he correct us?" Sakura asked, still using the wrong pronouns.
"She has her own reasons," Kakashi said, so close to snapping at their unreasonable team member.
"What reasons?! You owe us an explanation." Sakura demanded, tapping her foot on the ground rudely. Naruto looked at Sasuke's hand, refusing to meet Sakura's glare. "I don't owe you anything," Naruto muttered.
"What was that?! I can't hear you."
Sasuke twirled around angrily, his Sharingan spinning. "Naruto owes you nothing, bitch." Sasuke spat before he turned around to pick Naruto up and started jumping onto the trees to head back to the village. Sakura turned red, embarrassed that her all-time crush called her a bitch. Kakashi turned and followed Sasuke, leaving Sakura to catch up whenever she's ready.
This is all that Naruto's fault!

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