Chapter 30

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Naruto looked behind to see if the boys were still with her, they stared back at her waiting for her to say or do something. They thought that she was going to shoo them away as the Hokage had only called her over but she knocked and entered, holding the door open for them. "Tsunade-sama." Naruto greeted, making them flinch, it was almost unnoticeable but Naruto saw it anyways. Tsunade looked at them all as if thinking about her options before she sighed and held out a letter to Naruto. "The fire daimyo wishes to see you and she* wants you to be her guide around Kohona for the duration of her stay." Everyone looked at her confused, why Naruto? It isn't that they think Naruto isn't capable or whatever but why would the daimyo make such a specific request? Naruto frowned in confusion, is the daimyo upset with her? You dipshit. If the daimyo is mad at you, she wouldn't get herself all the way to this pathetic village to see you. Kurama growled at Naruto. She was about to ask why when Tsunade gestured to the letter. "As for the rest of you, tell the rest of Konoha 12 that the daimyo is arriving tomorrow morning and that we need to greet her." Tsunade ordered.
"Hai." Tsunade dismissed them, leaving them confused and full of curiosity. Naruto didn't want to share the letter so they didn't push but the curiosity was really getting to them. Sasuke was attempting the 'sulk til Naruto gives in' look but Naruto just laughed a little and kissed him on the cheek as an apology.
The next day, Naruto was already sitting at the gate waiting. "You're early." Sakura sounded like she was sneering at Naruto. The blond got that a lot on the way to the gates. She chose to walk the busiest street in that morning, the market - when things are the freshest and lesser people have picked at them. Things were thrown at her, she was kicked in the face and pushed to the ground and kicked. But there were the quiet and scared ones as well; they never approached, they just whispered and glared at her from a distance and then panicking when Naruto looks at them when she hears them from a distance. Soon, soon they'll realise the freaking mistakes that they have made. Naruto ignored the pink haired girl and was immediately struck in the face. Sakura, for some reason, decided to wear rings today and it left huge gashes on Naruto's face. "What the actual fuck, you little-?!" Kiba yelled but Naruto held him back when he had run to check if Naruto was okay before trying to maul their pink haired comrade to death. "Sasuke come here and check your girlfriend while I deal with this piece of trash for hurting her."
"Awww. Don't worry Sasuke-kun, I'm not hurt!" Sakura squealed with delight. Naruto facepalmed, mumbling something about stupid idiots in that managed to pass the ninja exams. Naruto's hand was on both Sasuke and Kiba's in an instant when they thought she dropped her guard. "Don't bother." Naruto deadpanned as blood trickled from the gashes down her cheek. Upon closer inspection, the cuts were deeper than they seemed.
"What the hell happened?" Tsunade barked just as the rest started approaching.
"I'm fine." Naruto said, looking into the distance. "The daimyo is coming."
"Let me fix your wounds." Tsunade said, trying to reach out. Naruto shook her head, no time for that. They watched as the wounds on her face hissed like a piece of meat on a hot grill. The wound began to shut and the bruises on her cheeks were gone. Everything finished healing just as the Daimyo pulled up at the gates. Tsunade approached, greeting the daimyo. Naruto was about to walk up to them when Sakura pulled her back harshly, making her fall. "Go to the back! You're not supposed to approach the daimyo, you're nothing. The only people that can approach are the Uchihas and the Hyuugas, all the clans and you clearly belong nowhere." Sakura hissed, thinking she was being quiet but everyone's attention was on them. Sakura glared at Naruto when the daimyo was looking at them. "Apologise right now you dobe!" Sakura whispered harshly again.
"Is this the way they treat the princess?" the daimyo asked with a frown on her face, making everyone confused. Princess?
"This isn't even the worse, daimyo-sama." Tsunade grumbled as the daimyo approached Naruto to help her up. It came as a shock when the daimyo bowed to Naruto, someone so superior is bowing to an orphan. This made Naruto panic and fall to the ground, she kneeled with her hands on the floor in front of her and her head on her hands. The daimyo shot Tsunade a look making her look down at the ground as if ashamed. The daimyo pulled Naruto up onto her feet. "Stand still and let me do that properly, geez." the Daimyo joked about Naruto not seeing the bow. They had thought she had bowed to the wrong person but clearly not, seeing as she purposely bowed a second time to make a point. Naruto looked uncomfortable, unsure what to do. Tsunade gave her a smile and gestured for her to greet the daimyo with a similar bow but not to bow any lower than her.
"What is going on?" Kiba whispered and the rest looked equally confused too. Their team leaders were looking at each other. They sort of have an idea but they don't have proof. "Namikaze-sama, it is so good to see you. You've grown into a fine and beautiful young lady." NAMIKAZE?!?!

*I know the fire daimyo is a male in the anime and manga but I don't really like him.

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