Chapter 9

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"I'm going to the Hokage." Sasuke snarled, Neji grabbed the Uchiha's arm to stop him. Sasuke glared, "What? She needs to know this, you all know how close Naruto and the Hokage is. Tsunade-sama would be furious but she would be able to help Naruto."
"I know but don't you think Naruto would be upset about you doing all this? She didn't tell us for a reason. We have to ask her if she needs help. If she doesn't want it, she'll probably get mad." Shikamaru reasoned. Sasuke blinked as he thought about what Shikamaru said. The Uchiha sighed and nodded in agreement, and Neji released his grip on Sasuke's wrist. "Isn't that Ino? What is she doing with them?" Neji asked, pointing at the group that was walking towards the tea shop. Choji was talking to Lee and Kiba while eating chips, Ino was chatting and squealing with Sakura - probably about Sasuke. Sasuke scowled at Sakura, she must have been telling people about Naruto's gender and how Naruto 'lied' to them all. "Oh no." Shikamaru muttered to himself, making the other two prodigy look at him. "Do you think they went to Naruto about..." Shikamaru trailed off, knowing they know what he is referring to. Sasuke paled. No no no no. They cannot have, Naruto was hurt enough by Sakura the day before when pinky found out. Sasuke was already gone before anyone else could say anything. "Troublesome." Shikamaru grumbled before following Sasuke and Neji towards the group.

"Where is Naruto?" Sasuke deadpanned. Immediately, Sakura and Ino clung to him, pouting at him and whining. Sasuke cringed as he tried to push them away. "Where is she?" Sasuke asked again, pushing the girls a little rougher.
"Oooo. Sasuke-kun likes it rough." Ino purred, winking at the Uchiha. Sasuke almost gagged at that look Ino and Sakura sent him. "I will not ask again." Sasuke growled coldly. Sakura huffed, crossing her arms and pouting, thinking that it would make her look adorable. However, it just makes her look like an immature brat. "That freak shouldn't even exist. That dead last should just die." Sakura exclaimed loudly. Shikamaru and Neji had to hold Sasuke back from killing her right on the spot. "How fucking dare you!! Naruto treated you all like friends and you! You guys are ridiculous! She- Naruto, wait!" Sasuke cut himself off when he saw Naruto running away. Shit. She must have heard what pinky said. Sasuke thought as he shook Neji and Shikamaru off and sprinted after Naruto. Sakura and Ino tried to stop him from going after the Naruto but they were not as fast as the two prodigies and the genius. Shikamaru held them in place with his clan jutsu and Neji was ready to block their chakra points in case they decided to use a jutsu.
"What's going on here?" Kurenai asked, she and Asuma had heard everything but they wanted the chunnins to tell them. Shikamaru released their comrades from his jutsu and grumbled something that had the word troublesome in it. "Naruto lied to us. That freak was a girl all along but dressed up like a boy." Kurenai and Asuma looked at each other as they thought about a plan. "We should get Tsunade-sama to strip Naruto of the ninja title as Naruto lied to the hokage."
"Tsunade-Sama knows and Naruto never hid it. You guys are just too ignorant." Kurenai said, shaking her head in disappointment.

"Naruto please. Wait!" Sasuke shouted, chasing after the blond. Naruto ignored Sasuke and kept running. The stab wounds from yesterday was agitated and painful but she never stopped. She should've known better. They wouldn't, they won't accept her. No one will love her. Blood bloomed from the wounds, staining her jacket and pants red. A few villagers saw Naruto running from Sasuke, thinking the Uchiha Clan member was trying to rid the world of the demon spawn. They decided that they should help. They ran in front of Naruto and stabbed her multiple times, twisting the knives as they pulled it out. "Time to die demon!" Sasuke gaped in horror. His Naruto is being attacked. Why? Why are they doing this? Why did they call Naruto a demon? Sasuke ignored that all as he tried to reach Naruto quicker. He watched as the blond was stabbed in the chest and she crumpled to the ground. Sasuke's chakra flared in distress at the bleeding blond. Tears welled up in his eyes and a gut wrenching cry escaped his lips. Anger boiled in him, how dare they hurt Naruto! Kurenai and Asuma have been running after the two chunnins when they felt Sasuke's chakra flaring up. They quickened their speed and reached the scene to see Sasuke on the ground crying over Naruto. The villagers on the ground, spasming. They are probably under a genjutsu. Asuma took the villagers to torture and interrogation where Ibiki and Anko will take good care of them for hurting their favorite blond.
"Naruto..." Sasuke mumbled continuously, clutching onto the blond and rocking her. All he wanted right now was Naruto to open her eyes. "Don't cry." A weak voice muttered and he felt a hand on his cheek, wiping away his tears. "Why Naruto? Why did they do that to you?"
"I-I hold something that they hate because I destroyed their families. They are just grieving, Sasuke. Don't take it out on them." Naruto said, coughing blood. The villager had some bad aim. He was so close and yet he still missed Naruto's heart. The knife had cut through a little side of the heart. Sasuke scooped Naruto into his arms and ran for Tsunade. She's the best medic right? Naruto will be fine. She will be fine. I'll tell her how I feel, I almost lost her before I can tell her how I feel. Sasuke thought as he ran, Kurenai heading to the other Jounin team leaders to tell them what happened.

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