Chapter 34

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"I'm going to kill them," Sasuke muttered to himself, standing up angrily. Naruto's hand shot out to grab his wrist. "Sit your ass down Uchiha. I'm not finished." Kurama ordered, making Sasuke glare at the demon that was possessing Naruto's body right now before sitting down. "Just because Naruto doesn't want children, doesn't mean you guys can't do the- shut up brat I'm trying to talk and educate the humans." Kurama snarled to Naruto when the blond interrupted him, embarrassed about what the fox was going to say. "I can make Naruto have children again, Naruto just chooses not to. It is her reasons to tell, not mine." Kurama said when he noticed Shikamaru about to say something.
Shikamaru shut his mouth and let the demon fox continue talking. "You guys already want to kill the villagers just from hearing what they have done to Naruto, do you guys know how it feels to be watching her suffer from all this just because the villagers like to be petty and little pieces of shits? They hurt Naruto, I am going to make them pay." Kurama growled angrily, almost slamming Naruto's hand on the table until he remembered that if he did that, it was likely that the table would break and food fall to the ground.
"Hit us with the plan," Neji said, leaning on his elbows. They were all angry and they want whoever that hurt Naruto to suffer the worse possible fate. Kurama smirked, "I do have a plan but it would require the destruction of this village." The daimyo twitched, getting ready to protest. "However, Naruto wouldn't want that." Kurama continued when he can hear Naruto snarling at him in their mental link. Kurama stared at them a little longer before he continued. "I plan to start chipping away at their businesses and jobs. They will then finally break down slowly. Or we can just put them all under a genjutsu and make them experience what they made Naruto go through." Kurama said with a shrug. A grin slowly makes its way onto Mikoto's face.
"I can get the business and jobs side of the plan ready." She said before turning to look at her sons and husband, "and I am sure Naruto's dear friend Ibiki and Anko would be more than happy to help." Kurama grinned and the beautiful yet cunning woman.
"You have found an excellent wife, Fugaku," Kurama said gruffly, making Fugaku shift a little. There wasn't much evidence to go with but you could tell that the clan head was extremely proud of having Mikoto as his wife. Kurama turns to Sasuke, staring at him uncomfortably with the dark red eyes. "Uchiha, you better take care of my little kit. Or else I will personally see to it that your life becomes a misery." Kurama threatened. Sasuke swallowed, nodding quickly when Kurama growled at him for good measure. The fox seem to be enjoying looking at duck butt Uchiha squirming uncomfortably and being nervous about accidentally making a wrong move. They watched at Naruto's facial features arrange themselves into a feral smirk after glaring at them all and making them freeze. "Oh boy. You guys are too much fun to mess with." Kurama said, laughing. He wiped a stray tear that escaped due to him laughing before he let out a sigh. "As much as I would like to stay, Naruto is getting inpatient." Kurama said, Naruto's blood red eyes morphing back into her beautiful blue eyes.
Sasuke couldn't help himself but smile a little when he saw her eyes. She's so beautiful. Sasuke thought to himself before being snapped out of his musing by Itachi's nudging. He turned to look at what Itachi wanted, however, his brother only smirked at him and refused to say anything. Itachi enjoyed teasing his brother and now that there is a girlfriend involved, it was getting more and more entertaining to mess with his otouto.

Naruto watched them all quietly from the corner of the room which she decided to retreat to after dinner. Mikoto was muttering to Fugaku and the daimyo. Itachi was annoying Sasuke as usual. Shikamaru and Neji were conversing softly, naruto could tell that they were talking about Kurama's plan and how to execute it to the fullest potential and what are the possible ways to make it even better. Naruto looked at the bandages wrapped around her arms. She must look so hideous, what does Sasuke even see in her? Kurama heard the thought from Naruto, making him sigh deeply. Why is the blond still like this? Sasuke has proven time and time again that he loves her for her. The Uchiha didn't care how bad Naruto looked, he fell in love with her for her personality - her bravery, her virtues, her intelligence. Naruto picked at the bandages, peeking underneath to see if it was almost healed or what. Bloody exposed flesh stared back at her, pain slicing into her when the wound was exposed to the air. Naruto quickly shifted the bandages back into its original place.
I don't think you should have told them. Naruto said to the nine tailed fox, almost glaring.
I shouldn't have?! You know as well as I bloody do that you need the help.
Well I didn't want to wreck the goddamn village.
Well I am not asking them to wreck the entire freaking village! They do whatever they want. I just merely gave a suggestion to them. You need to see that there are people that cares for you. We all care for you.
It doesn't matter anymore. They wouldn't see it that way. They'll just think I brainwashed the Uchihas to do my bidding. They wouldn't care.
What those pieces of shit do or think doesn't matter. What matters most is what your future husband thinks. Kurama said, wiggling his eyebrows. Naruto sighed at the nine-tailed fox as she tuck herself into a tight curl. What naruto said to him in their mental link made the demon fox so angry at the wretched village, he wanted destroy them that instant.
He wouldn't want to be my husband soon enough. Don't worry.

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