Chapter 27

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Naruto sighed, Mikoto would never stop running unless the woman physically cannot continue any longer and collapses. Itachi, Fugaku and Sasuke aren't trying to convince Mikoto to stop either. "Mikoto-san, please! This isn't good for you to run so much suddenly in a day." Naruto knows that the Uchiha woman doesn't run so much in a day, she may still practice her jutsus every day but she doesn't run miles every day like the rest of them does. Itachi looked at Naruto, she knows what that look meant. She had gone on missions with him before, she knows every movement he would make, and every look and their meanings. Itachi was telling her that Mikoto would never surrender until she gets what she wants even if it means she'll end up on the brink of death. "Tomorrow, she'll probably pull this stunt again, saying that if you don't wear the Uchiha symbol, she will run until she drops." Sasuke grumbled.
"I WILL!" Mikoto threatened.
"I already wear the symbol, geez! Don't do that!" Naruto exclaimed in alarm, pulling her jacket off and overtaking Mikoto to show her the symbol the woman had sown into most of the clothes. Mikoto squealed in delight, now she just has to make Sasuke marry her to make this official. Although it is against tradition to wear a clan's symbol unless the person is in the clan or married into the clan but they always make exceptions for Naruto anyway. This is no different. They will allow for this to happen. Naruto slowed so that Mikoto is in the lead again. "You probably should stop mother and father." Itachi suggested, Naruto looked at Itachi. She thought it was just Mikoto that was insistent on the calling her mum thing until she realised that Fugaku was running too with a determined look on his face.
"The demon brat is chasing our clan heads! Kill it!" Someone shouted. Naruto flinched at the shout and turned just as a barrage of kunais came their way. Mikoto wouldn't have enough time to dodge those! "Mother!" The shout came out from Naruto's mouth as she shunshinned towards Mikoto to push her away from the kunais. They were aimed at her but that Uchiha honestly had really bad timing and aiming. Naruto got hit by multiple kunais before she quickly made a handsign which blew the rest of the kunais away. The Uchiha charged at her as she was pulling out the weapons lodged in her arms, screaming about how the demon tried to kill Mikoto and that Naruto has to be executed. Naruto blocked the slash with the bloodied kunai and began dodging. Itachi snarled quietly before he sent their clan member flying with a kick. Naruto ran towards Mikoto, sliding to her knees with her head bowed. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry." Naruto apologised profusely. Mikoto looked at Naruto in shock, she had protected Mikoto and yet she thinks she is to blame for the attack in the first place. She looked up at Fugaku to see him glaring at the clan member. Itachi was tying him up and dragging him towards his father. Itachi can easily lift him up but he wants the man being dragged in the dirt. Sasuke kneeled next to Naruto, trying to get her to stop apologising and bowing because it was hurting her. Blood bloomed from the wounds and the kunais are embedded quite deep into her flesh. "Enough Naruto. It's not your fault." Sasuke muttered, rubbing her arm.
"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have. I'm so sorry."
"That's enough." Mikoto said, in a mockingly stern voice. Naruto flinched, getting ready to be hit. She was surprised when Mikoto was gently trying to get her to stand up. "You called me mother." Mikoto said, touched. She pressed a fist to her lips with tears in her eyes, smiling. "Come now, we need to tend to your wounds."
"That's okay. Kurama will fix them."
"Kurama?" Fugaku questioned gruffly after returning from dumping the guy into Ibiki's department. The scarred man gladly accepted their new arrival after Fugaku said a word. Naruto. Immediately Ibiki knew this man must have hurt Naruto in some way and this man will now spend the rest of his life feeling pain.
"Oh! Um. Kurama is the nine tailed fox." Naruto said softly.
"You spoke to the fox?" Mikoto asked curiously as they walked back to the compound. Naruto nodded, looking at the ground.
"Does that mean you can use its powers at will?" Itachi asked, opening the door for them. Naruto didn't answer and was about to bend to take off her shoes when everyone started panicking and telling her not to do that because of the kunai still in her back, they don't know whether they should pull it out or go to the hospital but Naruto doesn't want to go to the hospital either. Sasuke helped her take her shoes off and led her to sit down. "Could you pull them out for me please, Sasuke?" Sasuke looked at the kunais sticking out. Even during training he doesn't have to do this for Naruto. Itachi went to get the first aid kit as Naruto waited for anyone who will help her.
"Father please? I'll be fine." Naruto said, unknowingly calling Fugaku father. Fugaku felt like he was going to burst in happiness from hearing that. "Really! Furball will heal me."Naruto reassured before Fugaku sighed. He braced Naruto before he pulled out the embedded weapons. Naruto's face lost its colour as she tried not to react to the pain. Why? She should be able to let out her pain and cries. Why does she not so that?

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