Chapter 15

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"Should I go help Mikoto-san?" Naruto asked, about to stand when Sasuke pulled her back. Sasuke shook his head and said Itachi is helping. She cannot go into the kitchen when they are trying to give her a surprise birthday party. Naruto thought this is just going to be a simple meal and she would then leave so that she doesn't disturb them anymore and they can probably go to the festival or something. "Naruto, " Fugaku called out and Naruto jumped, she wasn't expecting him to call out to her, "come here." Naruto got up obediently and stood in front of him. "Sit." Naruto immediately complied. He stared at her for a few seconds before he leaned forward on his elbows. "What kind of jutsus do you know?"
"Father! Who interrogates people about their jutsu arsenal?" Sasuke called out, peeking over the couch at the pair.
"I am just curious," Fugaku said gruffly, "and besides, I have to know if my future daughter in law is strong or not." Naruto and Sasuke both flushed bright red from that statement. Naruto started telling Fugaku about her jutsus and weapons before she hesitated on the last one. Fugaku seemed to notice as he then told Naruto that she doesn't have to say it if she doesn't want to. Naruto pressed her lips together, considering her options. She looked to Sasuke to see him watching the tv, he isn't looking, good. Naruto felt the kunai with the special seal of the Hiraishin - the technique that made her dad infamous and one of the fastest ninjas in history. Naruto disappeared from the dining table before she appeared again with the kunai she teleported to in the study. She held the kunai out to the older man and he studied her. "So you do know." Fugaku stated and Naruto nodded her head. Any fool who had even care to make a slight comparison can see that she was literally a copy of the yondaime Hokage. He nodded thoughtfully before he stood, tucking the kunai into his pouch. "I'm bringing Naruto to my library." He said, before gesturing for the blond to follow. The other three Uchihas stared at him, he never lets anyone into his library and yet now he is bringing someone he barely met into the space that even his children cannot enter.

"Your father was one of the greatest men I know. He was my best friend, we spent a lot of time training together. Minato was one of the best students in the academy, we sparred together a lot as he was the only one who could give me a good challenge." Naruto smiled, it was so similar to her and Sasuke. "Minato fell for your mother the minute he saw her. He kept talking about beautiful red hair and a round, adorable face. He was so in love with her but Kushina had hated her red hair with a passion, she was always bullied for it." Naruto's eyes hardened at that fact, she would kill anyone who dared to bully her mother. Fugaku noticed her expression, making him laugh. "You are exactly like your father." Naruto's head snapped up.
"He had the same look on his face when he saw your mother getting bullied. He wanted to beat them all to pulp but he knew that Kushina wanted to handle things herself. She wanted to be the Hokage and your dad had the same dream. Kushina grew strong, very strong. Minato saved her once, by following the trail she left behind by cutting her red hair After that, they begin dating and she grew out her red hair because Minato really like it."
"I wonder if Sasuke would like me if I had red hair instead." Naruto muttered, unaware that she said it out loud until Fugaku laughed again. He patted her on the head, Fugaku had always had a soft spot for girls. He had hoped one of his children might be a girl but he was still proud of his two sons even if he doesn't show it. "I am quite sure that Sasuke likes you for you and not for how you look."
"But I am a demon-" Fugaku stopped looking through all these books for the ones Minato asked him to give to his child.
"You are not a demon, Naruto. You have to remember that, you are keeping all of us safe from the Kyuubi. You keep the Kyuubi contained and you keep this village safe. Those villagers are idiots, I would burn them all for all the things they did to you."
"No no no, don't hurt them."
"See. You are human, if you aren't you wouldn't have cared about their safety." Fugaku said, turning back to the shelves. He pulled out a few scrolls and a few books, putting them on his desk. "These are all yours. I believe you would want them." Naruto ran her finger on the books gingerly - these were her parents' possessions. She didn't really have anything that was her parents other than figuring out how to make a seal that could teleport her like her dad and using the seal her dad uses as well. "Can you... can you tell me more about them?" Naruto asked after she returned from her cave home to put the items away. Fugaku nodded and gestured for her to sit down. Your daughter has grown up to be a strong woman, Minato, Kushina. I know you two will be proud of her.

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