Chapter 42

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Sasuke took a deep breath in, nervous. What if she doesn't like it? What if she thinks it's not good enough? What if- ugh Uchiha Sasuke! Get your shit together, it's Naruto. She wouldn't be like that. Sasuke tugged at his clothing to make sure its neat before he disappeared into thin air, appearing at their meeting spot. Sasuke almost gaped at Naruto. She stood there in the dress his mother had bought for her and she looked like the most angelic being in the whole universe. He ran his eyes over her, noting with happiness that she was wearing the shawl he bought her. "Naruto." Sasuke called out softly as he reached out for her hand. Naruto smiled at him, taking his hand. The two walked hand in hand through the village, nodding politely to the villagers that greet them.
"Where are we going?" Naruto asked, hoping that Sasuke would finally tell her now. Sasuke just gave her a slight grin, making Naruto's eyebrow twitch.
"You'll see when we get there." Naruto pressed her lips together, giving Sasuke a wary look which Sasuke just returned with a smirk. Sasuke tugged here towards the academy path. Naruto looked around curiously, wondering if she can spot anything... Nothing out of the ordinary. Sasuke swung their arm a little to get her attention. Naruto hummed a little to let him know that she was listening. "That was where we first met." Sasuke muttered, pointing to the little wooden ledge at the river bank. Naruto smiled a little at that, she remembered that. They had made eye contact and then they both glared at each other childishly and turned away. "We were so childish." Naruto jokingly, knowing Sasuke would take offense.
"Hey! I was not childish. You were."
"Was not."
"Yeah yeah right." Sasuke shot back, the two glared at each other, turning their heads away with a 'hmpft'. A smile graced their lips, hidden away from each other. Sasuke tugged her to get her to start walking again. They walked towards the Forest of Death, a lot has happened at this very forest. "Our chuunin exams. This spot was where Anko cut you." Sasuke said with a smirk when he remembered how crept out Naruto was when the snake lady licked her cheek. Naruto gave him a light shove for thinking it was funny that she got terrorized by a specialist Jonin.

"I miss the old man." Naruto muttered. Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third hokage, had taken care of her for so long and watching out for her. When she found out that the hokage was killed protecting that village, she was so upset she disappeared for almost a week straight. It had been Sasuke that found her, staring into space with her knees drawn to her chest. "I'm sorry you lost him." Sasuke muttered, nuzzling his face into her neck. "I am sorry too." Naruto said softly, making Sasuke look at her questioningly as to what she was apologizing about but she merely shook her head without saying anything. Sasuke looked at her a little longer before he pulled her along, pulling her towards their old training field.

"Remember when you got tied on the stumps?" Sasuke asked, amused when he remembered Naruto futilely struggling hard against the restrains.
"It was so not me who should have been tied up." Naruto grumbled, she and Sasuke had been the ones throwing moves and jutsus at the perverted ninja, Sakura had only contributed by screaming and fainting, alerting them to where Kakashi was. Sasuke sighed, those were the good old days when they didn't have much to worry about... well Sasuke didn't but he was sure that Naruto had to worry about her safety and survival every single day.
After visiting many places around the village, Sasuke finally came to a stop in front of a wall of hanging vines. Naruto could feel that there was an empty space behind the vines but there was nothing special about it that she could sense with her natural energy. "You ready?"
"I'm always ready." Naruto joked, making Sasuke roll his eyes playfully. He raised a hand to part the vines, holding it open to let Naruto in.
"Whoa." Naruto muttered as she took in the sight. There was a table for two in the middle of the cave and decorations everywhere. It was minimalistic yet oddly beautiful.
"Do you like it?" Sasuke asked, nervous. Naruto was speechless, everything was so delicately placed. She merely nodded and Sasuke seemed satisfied with it as he moved to pull the chair out for her. Sasuke pulled out a scroll and summoned the food out. Naruto stared at the literal feast before her eyes as Sasuke picked up bits and pieces onto Naruto's plate and nudged it towards her, encouraging her to eat it. Naruto muttered a quiet "itadakimasu" before tucking in.
They ate quietly, content and happy with the company from each other. When they finished, Sasuke packed the dishes with the help of Naruto and they sat outside, watching the sun go down. It was summer in Konoha, hence the late sunsets.
Naruto hummed happily, soaking in the last bits of the warmth from the burning star. She could literally feel Sasuke's nervousness radiating from him, increasing more and more as they ate and when they sat down to watch the sunset. When she finally had enough of Sasuke not saying anything but radiate nervousness, she turned towards him sharply making him flinch slightly. Naruto only turns that way when she is about to attack someone. Spotting the flinch, Naruto sighed, she didn't mean to make Sasuke think that she was going to attack him.
"What's wrong?" Naruto asked, worried that Sasuke had something to say to her but is refusing to say it. I bet you that he is going to break up with me. Kurama growled at her, angry that she keeps thinking that way even though it was clear that Sasuke loves her with all his heart. I bet you 100 000 yen that he is not going to do that. Naruto almost laughed hearing that, what is Kurama going to do with the 100000 yen if he ever wins anyways?

"I... Um." Sasuke started uncertainly. Naruto bit the insides of her cheeks, mentally preparing herself for anything that Sasuke decides to throw at her. "Naruto, I..."
Sasuke being nervous is making her anxious too; she smoothed her hand over her dress to try calm herself. "You have faced s-ranked ninjas when you were just a chuunin. Why are you being so anxious? You're making me feel anxious too." Naruto joked, hoping to calm Sasuke enough to spit out whatever he wants to say. Sasuke stared at her, she was right - he has faced high leveled enemies when he was not skilled enough and yet he managed to make it out alive... whatever he is going to do next isn't going to cost him his life!... Maybe just his eternal happiness. Sasuke took a deep breath before pulling Naruto to get her to stand up with him. Naruto obeyed, standing there waiting patiently.

Sasuke took her hand in his, looking at their interlocked fingers. "Naruto, we have been through a lot together haven't we?" Naruto nodded, remembering all the goods and the bads that they had to persevere through. "I just... I am really grateful that I got to meet you and be friends with you. To think that I'd have a chance to be with you... I just want to thank which ever God that was listening to my prayers that I can spend so many years with you. I really hope that I have gotten through to you how much I love you." Sasuke watched the blonde's expression - tears had welled up in her eyes but she hasn't shed them yet.

Sasuke released Naruto's hands and took a small step back as he reached into his pocket. He dropped to one knee, opening the small box he retrieved from his pocket. "Naruto, will you marry me please?" Naruto stared in shock, it never crossed her mind that one day Sasuke might want to marry her even though Kurama constantly suggested it as possibility. The raven waited patiently, knowing that Naruto needed some time to process what he had just requested. He watched as a tear rolled down her soft scarred cheek and she nodded at him, smiling brightly. Sasuke's face broke into a grin as he quickly put the ring on her finger and she pulled him up.

"Thank you Sasuke." Naruto muttered happily, burying her face into his neck. "I love you so much, thank you for loving me."
"I love you too Naruto." Sasuke whispered, kissing her hair gingerly. The two of them stayed there for a while, gently swaying each other as if slow dancing under the stars.

Secret are not meant to be shared but to share a secret means the world to the very person whom you choose to share it with. To spend the rest of your life with the person who you trust with your secrets, that's heaven no matter what life throws at you. And that... that is where Naruto and Sasuke are.


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