Festival Time!

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You took a deep breath as you walked over to the school that you've known for what seemed like eternity. The sun gently glared down at you embracing your skin with cool warmth, since it was late summer and fall was just around the corner. A mild breeze made the nearby trees' leaves dance, as if waving you a welcome to the dreaded entrance of the school gates. Despite the quiet whistle of the breeze, couples and students were rather chatty, most looked excited about not having to do any work today because of today's preparations. You were quite happy too, since you looked forward into joining maybe a club or two, hoping to find a few friends to make since you didn't have too many, or rarely talked to people. Though it somewhat made the pit of your stomach fill up with wild butterflies. 'What if people think I am too awkward?' You silently questioned to yourself, your eyebrows furrowing as you had now reached the huge doors to the auditorium for the assembly that had been taking place for the fourth time now, since you were a senior and all. Uniformed people flooded the huge concert hall and quickly filled up the seats, mumbling quietly to the people next to them as the principal himself started to quickly explain what was going to be happening today. This was mostly directed at the Freshmen, since they were foreign to such territory as high school. Though luckily the principle's speech was very straightforward, informational and short. You yourself were seated way in the back, spacing out, leaning back in your chair with your eyes half closed. The cozy warmth of the auditorium made you a bit sleepy, but you soon blinked your (E/C) eyes as everyone got up to leave. With a jolt you sprung to your feet and grabbed your sturdy leather schoolbag, heading out into the hallway and stopping to think what club to stop by first. On a cork board nearby there was a huge poster list of types of clubs that you could join and the number of members in them. Being mostly introverted you liked smaller groups of people and felt more comfortable, you preferred having a few close friends rather than many aquaintances. Your eyes skimmed the list. Anime Club with 11 members... Art club with 16... Martial arts had 25.... Dance club with 13.... Drama with 8.... And many others! Even an occult club?! What kind of weird creepy person would run that and who would even allow such a thing?! (get that reference? ;) ) With a shrug at the bottom of the list was the Literature Club, with only 5 members listed on there. 'Maybe I should check there first...' Taking note of the room number, you headed towards the upstairs hallways generally used for third year students, and took a left into the the first room by the stairs, noticing the red origami curtains that hung in the doorway. You slowly peer through the crack of the door as you open it sluggishly, a little nervous, but suddenly jumping as a very bright and bubbly girl with strawberry blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes squealed in excitement and hopped up and down in front of you.
"Hello! Welcome to the Literature Club!" The very energetic girl beamed and held out a pamphlet towards you with her small dainty hands. With a couple of blinks and a quiet chuckle you took it, now able to look around the room now that the girl wasn't so close to you. You were surprised on how neat and clean the classroom looked, and the beautifully painted banners near the podium with some inspirational quotes, it looked to be shifting from a day to night theme. It was clearly done with watercolor paints, it kind of gave you a nostalgic feeling of elementary school. Beside the podium was a table of fluffy white cupcakes with kanji symbols carefully written in them with black frosting, you had skipped breakfast so seeing food made your mouth almost water at the sight of it. The food was very, very tempting! Then you decided to finally observe the people inside, you recognized a few of them that might've been in your classes a while back. The first one you recognized was the slim, and athletically built brunette with confident ridden green eyes, her hair in her usual ponytail adorned with a thick white ribbon. Her long locks always seemed to be extremely lively, even when there wasn't any draft or wind. The familiar girl was talking to the only boy you had seen so far in this room, he had fair skin, dark brown hair and golden brown eyes to follow. 'Is that her boyfriend?' You thought to yourself, you wouldn't be surprised, after all she was quite popular in your classes, and the whole entire school. The brunette always had been involved with the school community and events, though you were surprised that she would be in a club like this, knowing that last year she was in the Debate club. In the far back of the room where the closet was, there was a petite, short girl with a bright unnatural pink hair color and fiery eyes. Her hair was tied up by red ribbons in cute small pigtails and she seemed rather frustrated, you didn't recognize her, though she looked to be a first year, just judging by the childish facial expressions she made towards the very mature and tall girl who was facing her. The other girl who looked to be much older than she probably was had her hands behind her back, with her cool eyes furrowed with concern. You decide to walk up them...

(AAAND end! I hope you guys liked it! I rushed this and typed this in about a half hour, so the writing may not be as good. Oh who am I kidding?! Im just making excuses! Please make sure to give me feedback and maybe suggestions on what should happen next! Ily guys!)

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