Pizza time!

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Because of graduation, writing has been really hard, and so will the future, so expect shorter chapters! Sorry >.< -author-chan)

The nurse had come and taken care of your wound and sent both of you on your way, seeing that apparently from the blood loss that you two were knocked out for a good 2 days but had recovered quickly. Natsuki slightly had sliced an artery in her calf, and she would've died if it had cut just even a centimeter deeper. You on the other hand only grazed one artery and had barely damaged it, there was going to be a nasty scar on your forearm for the rest of your life. A frown appeared on your lips at the thought. The two of you had discussed to keep your relationship a secret for a while, from public and even the Literature Club since it was so sudden. It still made your heart flutter at the thought of you guys actually dating, being girlfriends. Now a small smile curved on your lips as you walked to your house with your new lover. It was hard not to take stealing glances at the small girl and hold her hand, but you resisted since it was of course a secret for the time being. As you two were about a block away from your house, a dark green Toyota pulled up beside you and rolled down their windows revealing worried yet excited faces of the literature club, even Riku who seemed oblivious and dense as all hell was sitting beside Sayori. They were sitting in the back, the two of them struggling the find room to stick their heads out of the window and look at you two. Monika surprisingly was driving the van, a very relieved smile on her pink made up lips. You couldn't really see Yuri, but you assumed she was there because everyone else was.

"Hey you guys! We were just about to visit you, but I guess you're already recovered!" The brunette said cheerfully, edging closer to the curb to park. Once the van was stationary everyone came out, Sayori was first to burst from the vehicle and hug Natsuki hard. You thought the short girl's eyes were going to pop out.

"OH NATSUKI I WAS SO WORRIED I'M SO GLAD YOU ARE OKAY!" The energetic girl shouted, her face dramatic and red. The pink girl finally showed her tsundere side once again, her face turning into an angry pout that you had gotten familiar with. Everyone giggled at the short girl's interaction with each other. Ms.Tsundere let out a small hiss and squirmed out of her deadly iron-like hug.

"Geez, of course I was going to be fine! Did you think I was going to go down easily?" A confident yet cocky smirk tugged at her lips, and hands rested at the curve of her small hips. Sayori blinked a bit, almost looking doubtful for a split moment, but then painted her face full of warm mirth and sunshine.

"N-no! Of course not! We were all worried... That's all!" The short girl pressed her fingers together like she usually did, creating a finger triangle and giggling. The rest of the Literature club nodded who had now joined you outside, agreeing with the airhead. Then small arms wrapped around you as Sayori shared more of her loving hugs. Damn her grip was strong! The raw strength nearly suffocated you, your diaphragm squished from Sayori's embrace.

"Ehehe... Well were fine now. That's all the counts right?" A smile curled up on your lips as you gazed upon your new friends, surprisingly you did not feel even embarrassed being at the center of attention. Maybe that fight with that crazy man gave you a boost of confidence!

"Of course! But now that the gang's all here? How about I treat all of you to some Pizza? I bet that hospital food was outright nasty." Monika rested an elegant hand on her slightly curvy hips, her green eyes sparkling with excitement as her other hand shook the car keys as if trying to lure you with the sound of the shrill jingle of the metal.

"Hell yes! I'm starving!" Sayori chimed in first, throwing a fist into the air in victory of getting free food. Riku snorted at her reaction, looking amused.

"Oh, you don't know the half of it! I could eat three party pizzas!" Natsuki snickered, a small pang was felt in your chest as you heard those words. The skinny girl was definitely in need of at least 10 party pizzas, you hoped that eventually she would gain a little weight and at least be able to walk straight without getting dizzy.

"I don't mind, I mean I already finished all my homework." Yuri's pale lips curved into a timid smile, her hands folded and were held in front of her.

"If Sayori's going, I guess I'm going to get dragged along." The brown-haired boy chuckled and affectionately ruffled up Sayori's impossibly messy strawberry blonde locks. The blue eyed girl blushed.

"Well if that's the case, then lets go!" The brunette chirped and sauntered to the drivers seat, Yuri held open the door for everyone to file in one by one. Pizza sounded great.

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