Papa. (Natsuki POV)

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(OKAY HUGE WARNING HERE! MUCH VIOLENCE AND ABUSE! SO READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION! For the ones who don't like violence, look for a line in this chapter, this is where the violence dies down if you at least want to read some of it!  After all I want people to be happy!  And like I said it's gonna get pretty deep! So enjoy and as always I would love to hear feedback! - Author-Chan)

Without even saying goodbye I rush down the corridor and to the stairs. It was the opposite direction of the infirmary, but I couldn't think straight. I could hear multiple voices call my name, but it all was just meaningless noise. I am grateful that (Y/N) gave me some food because my energy and agility was at an all time high and I skillfully trotted down, even jumping a few stairs from the end and onto the tiled floor. I still kept running, through two more vacant halls and out to the huge glass doors to the outside world. Shit. My lungs hurt a lot just from a short run like that, I should really get in shape. Though all the fear that engrossed my body kept me sprinting down the street on the sidewalk and onto the crosswalk. Then I heard another noise, a very loud and blaring one at that. Some huge metal vehicle swerved to avoid hitting me, I had no time to recover from the shock so I just carried onward. My legs were stinging and throbbing at this point and my lungs were on fire.I felt like I ran forever until I reached my rather decrepit house with a few boarded up windows and old floorboards. White paint was starting to peel off of the walls outside, and even the glass that made up the windows were slightly grimy and dull. It was probably the cheapest, dirtiest house in town, almost looked like drug dealers ran the place. The house was definitely old. WIthout any hesitation I throw open the door and slammed it loudly mostly on accident because of my intense state of panic. I wince at the noise as it definitely warns Papa that I'm here.

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.

Heavy lumbering footsteps and a bellowing howl came from upstairs. Already I could feel my fear rising up inside as my muscles tensed by every footstep that went down the stairs. I couldn't see papa in the dim lit room, and the wall blocked me from seeing how close he really was to going off on me. When he stomps and grumbles like an angry bear, I know I have to brace for anything.

Papa was now downstairs.

His dark, beady red eyes bore into me as he almost nonchalantly grabbed a hold of an empty beer bottle, green in color. Papa was easily a foot and a half taller than me. I heard my bag drop to the floor. I was completely frozen as he approached, the vice grip on the empty glass container tightening. His knuckles were white. Now I could see fire in his eyes. Pure rage. Papa was maybe a foot away from me, his rage now radiating from his slim, but muscular body. I could feel it, and it was sickenly overwhelming.

"You're fuckin' late Natsuki! 30 minutes late! I swear to God if you have been hanging ou-"

The burning sensation in my lungs from running was still lingering as I interjected, though my voice was definitely raspy and shaky. I could feel myself fall apart.

"Papa... I haven't been hanging out with boys. It's just that one of my new f-" A blunt object made its way to my face, but I ducked just in time to avoid it, my reflexes were even better from the food I got.

"I know you are lying you goddamn whore!" I thank (Y/N) for this. But I fucked up, now she's going to hate me and now I have to deal with Papa. If she went to the hospital... I hope I can visit her. Luckily the space I was in; the kitchen was pretty spacious though it reeked of alcohol and chinese takeout. Like REEKED, it was very pungent to the point where any normal person's eyes would water. I wrinkled my nose a bit as I stumbled back again as Papa now had a broken bottle in his huge square hands, the sharps of the bottle were sneering, almost menacingly smiling at me.

Is he going to kill me?

My pink eyes widened as I felt my eyes start to water, making everything hazy. I could feel my rapid heartbeat in my ears as thankfully he swung with her unarmed hand and into my cheek. A loud smacking noise followed and a sharp pain clung onto my face. I sank to the floor, almost in defeat and cowered.

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