Concern (Natsuki POV)

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(So I thought it would be interesting to get Natsuki's POV every few chapters to make it interesting! Also this chapter is 3000 words long so enjoy! Updates will be coming out slower because I want to make lengthier parts! Also thanks for 1k reads! I'd love feedback as always! But anyways enjoy the horrible grammar and usage of sentences show! *Bows* - Author-Chan)

I could feel my empty stomach churn nothingness, squirming and retracting as if trying to get even a molecule of food from my pit. There was nothing there and a sharp pain in my abdomen reminded myself that I had barely eaten in the past week. Did I even eat at all? Maybe some cupcake batter and then a cupcake, but nothing else really. It really hurt and I silently cursed myself that I had not gotten a job yet to buy my own food. Dad had his own little stash of treasured food but he would beat the shit out of me if he noticed that I had snatched some... I've already tried that once. That was the last time I would attempt such a thing. I remember for two weeks I had to wear a scarf around my neck to hide nasty bruising from his grimy, bear-like hands that felt like they were about to crush my windpipe. It was even more embarrassing going into school and being berated with repetitive questions on why I had one on in the first place, the others worry about me too much. I guess the only good thing to come out of that, that I was alive. Alive. Here. In this world. In school. Wait- oh yeah I'm in school. Ugh I hate school, though the other day meeting someone with the same interests as me was... Pretty cool I guess. I hate to admit that. Though I wanted to meet her from her last class and walk with her to the club room today, just because I was pretty bored. I had asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom before class ended, indicating that it was an emergency, despite the disappointing frown on her face, she obliged. Eager, excited voices were muffled by shut doors as students had lined up at the exit to break free from Hell, some even pressing up against the glass door as if to force it open. People's gazes followed me as I scurried down the hall and into the girl's bathroom, sighing in relief as I chose the big stall at the end of the lavatory and closed the wooden stall door behind me. I leaned up against the wall beside the toilet and closed my eyes, the muffled voices were now even less bothersome. The question of what time it was before the bell rung made me pull out my old, slightly cracked smartphone and click the power button to see my parfait girls lockscreen present the time. 2:00. I had about 5 minutes to get to (Y/N's) class, and slipped my disheveled phone back into my bright pink backpack to venture out to where I hoped her class would be. It was definitely on the same floor as mine, I had seen her come out of there a few times. Just all the way down the hall and then a left? I walked around the corner to see an identical classroom door labeled 1A. It was an English class. I hated it but loved it because i was never satisfied with my simple, grade-school-like writing, the teachers said I need to have a use of longer words in my vocabulary. Teachers are hella lame! Another small sigh escaped my chapped lips as I slid quickly over to the other side, leaning my bony back into the cold tiled wall behind me and folding my small arms over my non-existent chest. I waited, for a bit, just thinking about all the bullshit I had to go through a daily basis. I wish I could punch someone. Mainly Papa. My face instinctively scunched up unpleasantly and my pink eyes slightly squinted, lava was bubbling inside of me already from just the thought. That drunk bastard takes things way too far. He had hurt me today because I had gotten barely any sleep, and I was struggling to get up out of bed for school. So with his huge bear hands, he snatched me up by the neck and tossed me out of bed, with a harsh kick to my frail abdomen. It hurt still, both my neck and tummy, the hunger pains didn't help at all whatsoever. "Life's just fucking peachy!" I thought to myself and jumped suddenly from the screeching bell and sudden loud noises of school inmates making their getaway. Many people bumped into me as they rushed out of the door and towards the exit, down the hall, I mumbled a few curses at them as they gave me quizzical glances. This made me snap a bit. "Hey! Keep walking you fucker!" Snarling at the couple of rowdy boys who had ran into me. They widened their eyes, probably bewildered at my sharp knife-like voice piercing their ears, and probably my aggressiveness for my small size and went down the hall with more haste, bumping into even more people on the way. The sad sight made me snarl, but I instantly erased it as I heard a familiar voice, after people had already left the building and I could finally hear my own thoughts."Hey... Natsuki!" A cheerful familiar voice broke my nasty thoughts.

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