A dream. (Natsuki POV)

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(WARNING: Vague references of rape and sexual content, though it isn't too bad so if you don't want to read anything like that read after the lines or skip this chapter! ALSO ANIME BOSTON WAS LIT ILL POST ABOUT IT NEXT CHAPTER! - Author-chan )

"Well. I don't think so... N-not now. Like my Papa would murder me... Eheheh." My voice embarrassingly cracked as I gripped the fluffy covers that were pulled over my shoulders, my head was only peeking out.

"Well if it gets really bad, then you're always welcome here. You don't deserve the pain that you recieve..."

I felt my heart skip a beat again, it looked so damn promising. It was extremely tempting, but the consequences outweighed the benefits. At least for the time being.

"Thanks..." I murmured and shut my eyes again, they once again started to feel heavy. Not even a word passed over the silence as I heard more shifting and a heavy, tired sigh. After a short while I heard a whisper.

"I'll do anything I can to help you... Natsuki..." Gulping a bit I felt a small smile spread on my face as everything started to fade away, I replied with only a soft groan. Then sleep consumed me.

All of the sudden I felt buffeting wind at my face, and cold air nipping at my bare skin, my ears were full of the wind screaming into them to desensitize me of my surroundings, despite being in the sky I could see I was plummeting downwards toward he top of someone's roof.

My roof.

Papa's house.

Fear coursed through me and I tried to squeeze my eyes shut to brace for impact, as the roof of the house got bigger and bigger ready to end my miserable, pathetic life. The shingles now only a few feet away, but then shrouding darkness took away my sight, an ten all of the sudden I was in my living room, thumping on the floor very gently to what I had not expected. I expected to have fallen to my death, with the sound of my flesh and bones being crushed and he sight of my meaty parts being plastered everywhere like it was spray paint, like it was some sick joke. I was totally aware that I was in a dream but why now? Why here? I rubbed my eyes a little and got to my feet with a groan, was papa home? Te air was filled with an eerie silence as I waited for any sin of my father stomping down the stairs and lunacy anger. Shivers crawled all over my body as the silent, dead-like air started to become chilly. Something was not right, and I was curious. After all it was just a dream, I think. I pray to God. Slowly, on my my tiptoes I creep over to the familiar, creaky staircase and ascend, I hear the wood groan in misery under my tiny weight and it makes my  heart sink. The pit in my stomach was growing deeper at this point, and I had no idea why I even felt this way. It's my dream, I should be able to do whatever I want right? Lucid dreaming I think it was called. Anyways, I had reached the top of he stairs and as I did I heard the soft murmur of Papa from his room, and the pained cries of another familiar voice. No, it can't be... My throat tightened as I listened, now able to hear my growling father. His voice was feral, guttural, and low, like he was full of pure rage and something else that I've heard disgustingly so from time to time.


What the fuck was he doing? I knew once in a while he would bring a woman into his room, but it seemed like it was consented on both ends. This time instead of hearing small moans, I heard the sound of someone crying and possibly choking on tears. Sadly it was at first hard to identify the small voice that came behind his closed doors, t once I heard a few words, rage boiled inside of my body.

"N-no. Not this..." It was (Y/N).... That bastard! Without hesitation I harshly thrust open the door only to ear a ear-piercing scream, and then the sight of a white ceiling. 

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