Ouch! That Must've Hurt! (Natsuki POV)

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(So! In the next part there's going to be quite a lot of violence and abuse! I just want to give a clear warning. So if you're triggered or you dislike stuff like that I swear the chapter after that will be super cute and fluffy! I promise! This fanfic is going to get pretty fucked up. - Author-Chan)

We had finally reached the literature club and I felt on top of the world! Since my body isn't really used to food, when I get to eat I tend to be a hell of a lot more energetic plus a lot less grumpy. With a grin I grip the brass door handle and swing the glass entrance with all of my strength. Not on purpose or anything, I just haven't felt so good in weeks! With a loud slam the huge glass farmed pane swung open with such force that it hit the wall and ricocheted back. Knocking (Y/N) to the floor with a blow directly to her head. And it sounded like it hurt, because the impact was almost as loud as the first one.

I hurt her...

After she helped me.

Shit I fucked up!

I'm horrible!

She's going to hate me.

I turned around and covered my mouth as waves of guilt started to pull me into its cold dark waters. It pulled me under with it's strong tide.

"(Y/N)!" I yelped, my voice shriller from the utter panic and my heart pounding against my chest. I heard the others cry out in alarm and approach the situation. Without hesitation Yuri had come to her aid as her beautiful and elegant long fingers and hands placed them on (Y/N's) shoulders giving them a soft sympathetic rub. Yuri's hair pooled on the floor as she started to kneel beside the girl, like fine purple silk. Everything she did was so elegant.

I wish I could look like her.

"A-are you okay?!" Her mature, gentle voice filled the hallway sounding like music, bouncing back and forth between the walls. Though her melodic tune was full of worry. I mean I couldn't blame them, but I felt WAY worse. Blinking a couple of times her pretty (E/C) eyes finally fluttered open, Yuri smiled with a depiction of relief, letting out a gentle sigh. Oh thank god she's still conscious! I myself let out a sigh after her.

"I'm sorry. Ugh it was an accident!" By this time I had lost count on how many times I said sorry, because looking over at my new friend, she looked completely out of it. She was squinting at Yuri like she was having trouble seeing, but it was also blank like she wasn't aware Yuri was there. Though eventually she let out another groan and ran her fingers through her (H/L) hair. Everyone else had peered over near Yuri, checking on (Y/N) also. "My... Head hurts... Like Really badly..." The (H/C) massaged her temples idly while Yuri's touch made its way to her palen face as she inspected the new member..

"Do you feel dizzy?" She nodded. Yuri's eyes scanned over her face that looked full of pain. Her nose was wrinkled, and her brows were pinched into a grimace.

Pain that I caused.

"Light headed?" Gesturing the injured girl gave her a weak thumbs up. "Blurry vision?" Another thumbs up with her other hand.

"W-well at first... Ugh." Now it was Yuri's turn to look as panicked as me, the tall woman's face paled a little now as her hands traced over (Y/N's) forehead probably feeling for a bump on her forehead. (Y/N) looked ready to faint. Oh god.

It's all my fault.

"Shit, shit shit!" I hissed out through my gritted teeth, furious at myself for fucking up so much. How could I be so careless?! "Fuck, I didn't mean to..."

"I think she might have a minor concussion, though I can't be sure. I'll go to the nurses and see what I can do.Hopefully one of them might still be there." Slowly Yuri removed herself from (Y/N) and hustled in the direction of the infirmary, hair swaying wildly as she jogged. Though as she hustled her movements were slightly off kilter, she probably wasn't that used to running by the looks of it. Though as she did that, like my body had a mind of its own I gripped her arm very tightly, both of them. "Shit, can you stand?!" I was almost trembling from worry. With a groan she pushed herself upwards and I assisted her using my strength to heft her up.. Only because she assisted me with my food problem. I know for sure I definitely owe it to her. I hope she will forgive me. Though I felt dead weight on me as I felt (Y/N) collapse. Sayori dashed to her other side to help the both of us. Now my heart was really pounding. The poor strawberry blonde beside me looked ready to cry, though she gently helped the teen's limp body to the floor on her back. Oh god. I'm the worst. I really am.

Maybe I am just like Papa.

I quickly press my index and middle finger against her neck checking for a pulse. It was definitely there! If she was dying I could never forgive myself, but it was just a harsh whack to the forehead. I've dealt with many blows to the head. Afterall it was Papa's favorite place to land punches and blows. I wonder if I have gotten a concussion? After a little while I heard multiple footsteps approach us, as I was still at (Y/N's) side Yuri with two nurses and a stretcher arrived. I could see the elegant purple haired girl's face pale as she saw (Y/N) Knocked out on the floor. A limp body, slowly breathing as if she was asleep.

"What happened now?!" The beauty exclaimed, I gave some space for the nurses to lift her up onto the stretcher. I hopped onto my feet and watched my new friend get taken away hurriedly.

I'm really the worse.

"She passed out." Sayori and I said in unison. The tall girl let out a small quiet sigh, furrowing her brows.

"Well, I don't know what else we can do but wait. Hopefully the concussion- or well what I suppose is a concussion isn't too bad. I hope she doesn't have to be hospitalized." Yuri's voice was slightly trembling, like she was on the brink of breaking her calm manner. Her orchid eyes were full of emotion that I couldn't quite describe. Though with a sigh I pulled out my phone and looked down at the clock.


I'm late, and I can feel the blood drain from my body.

All I can feel is fear.

I'm late.

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