The herbalist. (Natsuki POV)

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(Welp! My updates are now about once or twice a week because I'm trying to write the whole story so I can upload ahead of time! (It's already 42 pages, 18,000 words long actually 0.0) I hope everyone is enjoying this fan fic. Dont forget to give me feedback as always! Much love! -Author-Chan)

 There was a red oriental rug beneath my feet with intricate floral patterns, as if to welcome me to a comfy home. In front of me was a spacious living room with an HD TV and a few gaming consoles. In the middle was a decently sized glass table with a remote on it and a few papers. To me left was a small hallway that lead to a bathroom, since I could see a toilet with the door slightly open at the end of it. Then to my right was (Y/N) her eyes focused on her cooking, almost like Yuri's intense expression when she reads. A small white wall separated the living room from the kitchen, where instead of dark wood floorboards was checkered tiling. Cabinets and a stainless steel sink with a window above it was around the perimeter. Near the wall that separated rooms was where (Y/N) worked, chopping up a few veggies and tossing them into a sizzling pan. She then put a cover on the pan and turned to face me, she looked almost scared but happy at the same time.

"Nice place you've got...! Like wow..." I paused a bit. "Where are your parents?" I couldn't help but ask, it was a really huge house for one person. (Y/N) chuckled a little.

"They visit once in a while but they both travel around the world for their jobs. So it's just me. They send a check in for me monthly if you're wondering." Being alone without Papa would be a gift. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy towards the girl. "But enough about me. Where did he hurt you?" My friend's tone was very serious, almost angry sounding. I let out a small chuckle. "It's not th-"

"Where did he hurt you?" A more stern demeanor reached its way to (Y/N), though with a hint of anger catching me a little by surprise. It looked like she wasn't going to stop asking. With a sigh I set my bag down by the glass table and flopped myself onto the couch, where the girl joined me. I hadn't really put much thought into it, but (Y/N) was in some black sweatpants and a (F/C) tank top that hung loosely on her shoulders. It was kind of cute, and different seeing her in such informal clothing. Ugh I was still in my uniform that was disheveled from my encounter from Papa.

"Ugh. Fine... Just." I already knew that she would want to see the damage for herself, I could tell in the shining, apprehensive look in her (E/C) eyes. I trailed off as I unbuttoned my blazer and neatly folded it, then untying my thin red ribbon from my neck and removing the undershirt. I myself had a tank top under my clothes. I always did. Sadly I hadn't really looked at the damage Papa had did to me before I left. A small gasp blew through the (H/C) girl's lips and the concerned glint in her eye had turned to something completely different. It was like a concoction of fiery anger, constricting worry, quivering fear, and comforting sympathy.I couldn't help but laugh a bit and scratch the back of my head with a small snort. "It's nothing really... I've had worse." Luckily I was able to protect my face but in return my whole body was sore and presented many colorful bruises. Mostly on my arms from trying to block his punches and his trampling. There was one particular bruise that was even a bit yellow from that bastard crushing my arm, I almost instinctively held my arms out to (Y/N) for her to inspect. My heart started to beat a little more, since this was kind of a thing that I kept private, even to the other club members that I've known for longer.

"Natsuki...Holy shit. This isn't just 'nothing'!" The girl's voice had risen a little, though it wasn't in an angry type of way. It was more like panic rising, since her voice was a shrill as mine when I was upset. I could feel her warm fingers trace my right arm where it was the worst and gently clasp my wrist. Her eyes were moving rapidly over my wounds and damage, I didn't even notice the few cuts I had on my other arm that were caked with rusty dried blood. My whole body looked like a canvas, painted with wounds. And Papa was the artist, and he did one hell of a job. Must've cut myself from some of the glass that littered the floor, I presume that I was too consumed in fear to even notice.

"Stay right here.. I'll get stuff to heal you." I wanted to protest and be my usual brash self, but the way she had said it so gently, her voice wavering like she was about to cry. I couldn't. With a small nod, I swallow a bit as she removes herself from her plush couch and down to the end of the room where I now noticed was another doorway. The way she walked was fast, but almost graceful. Not like Yuri-Graceful but, it was her own kind of way that she moved around. She's... Really... Awesome... Yeah. I sigh and close my eyes and wait for her, the only sounds were the water boiling from the stove and the hum of the oven. I wonder what she's making. It smells absolutely wonderful, but everything does when you don't even have the opportunity to eat. I think I must've fallen asleep for a bit because it felt only a second had passed until I felt a warm hand on my bare shoulder. With a startled jump, I open my eyes and I'm greeted with (Y/N's) friendly, shiny smile. She had some type of salve in a white ceramic mortar and pestle, it was gooey looking and had specks of yellow petals in it. Is she some herbalist or something? I wouldn't had thought of her to be in to that type of thing at first sight, but now that I think of it. It could be possible. "Hnnh..." I rubbed my dry eyes a bit and flash a smile back. "Watcha got there?" With an eyebrow raised I heard her light melodic giggle in my ears, it looked like she was amused. Wait is there drool on my mouth? I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, and as expected I had saliva now on my hand. With a grimace I wipe my hand on my navy pleated skirt. Gross.

"Did you fall asleep or something? It's okay if you want to take a nap after you have a meal. But this is more important. Ah, I made a salve out of Witch Hazel and Aloe Vera. It helps to heal skin and bruises..." The girl paused, looking away from me for a moment. She was totally blushing. "May.... I tend your wounds..?" The way she said that was slow, forced through slightly closed lips. She had really chose her words carefully. (Y/N) presented bandage wrap to me that was held loosely in her palm. I myself had only tended to cuts, not bruises. I wasn't aware of how to use salve and stuff kinda. I was used to hydrogen peroxide to disinfect. Not plants.

"Y-yeah. G-go ahead." My face is heating up again and I look away as she carefully takes my left arm and starts to rub the herbs into my bruises. Massaging in cautious, slow movements.

"T-tell me if I'm hurting you... Please." It was as almost Yuri was speaking through the teen, with her timidness, even her cute voice was quivering a bit. Was she just as nervous as me at the moment? While she was focusing on taking care of my wounds I had a chance to study her face. It was full of concentration, as she worked diligently even her tongue stuck out of her mouth a bit as she continued. It was actually kind of adorable, I'm surprised with her and even myself on how close we've already gotten in just two days. She just had that, demeanor about her that was warm and welcoming, trustworthy even. (Y/N's) face was (Face/Shape) but complimented her other features well. Even without make up, her skin looked smooth and taken care of. I wonder if she uses herbs for her skin regularly. She's really pretty... Ugh. I need to stop thinking about that. I just met her after all for all I could know, she might back stab me. I trust her though. It felt good when she put the salve into my skin, she even wrapped my cut up arms with bandages too, and taped them just tight enough where my skin could breathe, but my wounds could heal properly. When she was done she placed the mortar and pestle down on the glass table and went to the kitchen, her face lighting up like an excited puppy as the oven dinged. She quickly grabbed some oven mitts, slipping them on and opened the door. The girl pulled out a steaming aromatic pan of bread. In the warm artificial light I could see sesame seeds and some other type of grains in the mix of it. It was the best thing I had ever smelled. (Y/N) probably noticed how my eyes lit up at the sight of food and giggled as she flickered her eyes over to me for a moment before setting the hot pan on the granite island in the middle of the kitchen and then lifting the lid off the metal pot. Swirls of steam danced in the air seen through the light as it was opened, I assumed it was a stew of some sort. It also smelled incredible. My mouth watered just from the sight and smell of homemade food.

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