You should stay here with me. (Natsuki POV)

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(OMG THANKS FOR 2K READS! Maybe I'll do a face reveal or show my WIP sayori cosplay. Anyways! BACK TO YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED ANGST-FILLED PROGRAM! -Author-Chan )

"Oh! S-sorry! Yeah it smells fucking great! So.... Are we eating here?" Gesturing to the table, (Y/n) nodded and carefully placed the hot homemade food down on the rather large coffee table. She then held out a spoon for me, in which I gladly accepted and took, removing myself on the couch so I could be closer to the table.

"Hehe, thanks! So want to watch some anime or something? Or play games?" Both of those options sounded great, my phone was beside me and I took a quick look at my phone. Few texts from the Lit Club group chat. THANKFULLY nothing from Papa. It was 7:30. That was plenty of time to do both! "I heard there was a Full Metal Alchemist live-action movie that came out on Netflix. I heard it was not too bad. Most live-action anime movies are super cringeworthy!" That actually sounded really nice. Some warm food and a movie with (Y/N)!

"Hell yeah that sounds cool!" With a fang-filled grin I hunched over the table and inserted my spoon into the steaming bowl of stew. It had potatoes, carrots, celery, and a few other common veggies.

"Sounds like a plan!" It was apparent that she had a black controller in her hand and pointed it towards the TV, conveniently it was already on Netflix in which she typed in the title and selected to play the movie. I took a small bit of my thick stew, which was outstanding! The balance of salt was just enough, but not enough to drown out the other flavors of the veggies and beef. I could even taste a little spice that was put into it, though I couldn't tell what kind it was. A small moan erupted from my lips, like those woman do when they eat something on the Food Network Channel. Oh god! My face is red again, why the fuck did I make a noise like that?! (Y/N) was giggling at me, though she looked even happier. The way her face curled up into a grin, and the way she laughed made it really cute. There was no way I could be mad at her even if she would tease me, at least not now.

"Tastes good?" My friend's voice had a small twinge of amusement, though it sounded she was still laughing a little. I nodded again and turned my eyes to the screen after that. The next hour and the half was pretty quiet, but peaceful, knowing that Papa was too drunk and wasted to even care about me being gone. Though once in a while instead of looking at the screen I would catch myself looking at my friend, whose face was illuminated by the artificial blue light from the screen. Her eye twinkled even in the dark since we both preferred to watch movie with the lights off. I had quickly finished my soup, right after the movie had started and had retreated to the couch. She had also joined me once she had eaten most of her meal and sat down close to me. The movie itself reminded me of some really long cosplay skit with decent special effects and cgi, at least for a live action movie. Though already I was starting to feel sleepy near the end of the movie, (Y/N's) warm comfy home and a full belly made me this way. I don't know what time it was but I blacked out for a long while and when I came to my senses, the first thing my eyes met were (Y/N's). They had a hint of surprise, but also friendly blaze of warmth to them. I realized that my head wasn't resting on the back of the sofa, but on her lap. It was really.... Comfy. But I could feel the slight, constricting tension that hung in the air as we stared at each other for a moment. Our faces were both rosy from being flustered, then she finally decided to speak.

"I.. I-I am sorry... I didn't want to... Wake you so.. Sorry..." It was oddly cute how she stuttered, averting her gaze and running her fingers through her hair. Her mannerisms made me think of Yuri from her gentle, quiet voice. "M-maybe we should just head to bed? Since you're so tired... I mean... We can always hang out whenever since I don't really have a very busy schedule." Muttering she looks at me again, flashing another careful smile at me. I can't help smile back.

Tasty Love [DDLC] (Natsuki x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now