Manga is life!

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(Hey guys just wanted to say that my senior year is really busy and stressful, but this helps me wind down! If you have any suggestions don't be afraid to ask! and if you enjoy this, leave a vote up! TYSM <3 OH also im going to anime Boston and im super excited (in march) I hope I get to see some doki doki squad fams! KK BYE- Author-chan (Weeaboooo) )

Monika let out another usual chuckle, flipping her dancing brunette hair to drape over her shoulders, her emerald eyes expectantly looking at the shortie who had darted in the closet and pulled out a wobbly collapsible stool struggling with gritted teeth to unfold it. The poor stool looked very old, grey painted chipping off, and even some rust from ageing in the closet for god knows how long!? Natsuki grunted as her fingers clawed at its hinges, trying to pull the metal legs out so it could stand, though you assumed by unlucky chance it was rusting shut. A pang in your chest was felt as you heard the pinkie curse under her breath and kick the broken stool to the side, hitting the wall with a loud, stinging clang. Everyone jumped from the sudden noise. Natsuki then sped walked out of the closet to the only chair that wasn't attached to any of the student desks, a swiveling wheeled office chair, probably the teacher's and marched back over to push it close to the dusty shelves. "You need help?" You barely mange to crack out as you approached the struggling teen, who was now trying to keep steady with her feet now on top of the seat and her hands occupied from gripping desperately on one of the wooden shelves, her small legs were wobbly.

"A-agh I am fine! I-I can do this myse- Waaah!" With a surprised yelp teh chair jolted as if it couldn't bear being stood on, but with no thinking you dart over and grab the legs of the chair to keep it steady, allowing Natsuki to recover, her tiny knuckles white from holding on for dear life, her eyes wide with fear as her gaze quickly glanced down. The hothead's face softened a little as she realized it was you for only a split second until her lips curling back into a mean snarl. "Agh! Fine just hold it steady and let me getthe box! It's not like I really needed your help."

"Calm down Natsuki, I don't understand why you don't accept offered help. You could get really hurt." You simply stated, keeping your eyes very focused on the books in front of you and not trying to look up at her face because... Well there were panties in the way and you sure as hell did not want to look like a pervert on your first day of meeting these kind people! A scoff came from her as you felt the chair move again, but instantly snapped out of your daze to steady Natsuki.

"I don't get hurt..." The pink-haired girl murmured, like a timid protesting child and grunted as she took the box and hopped down the chair, almost kicking you and falling in the process. "O-oof.." This made you flinch but slowly let go of the chair and stand up, your head tilting to the side.

"What's in there anyways?" You quierie but already know what's in there; manga. A good collection of it too, there appeared to be a few complete series in there. 'Parfait girls', 'Sailor Moon', 'Puella Magi Modaka magica'... You had recognized some of these besides 'Parfait girls' it made you curious if it was any good or not.

"Manga obviously, you said you read some right?" Nodding you see a smirk creep across her thin lips as she sets the box down on the desk with a deep exhale. You could see the excitement she was containing through her eyes as she energetically snatched the first Volume of 'Parfait Girls', brandishing the cover towards you, revealing the very cute and pastel cover on it.

"It looks pretty cute, is it any good?" Her eyes widen, making you let out a short snort as her sass increased.

"'Any good'? You know what I say? Don't judge a book by its cover. Oh and if you have a problem with it then you can talk to the glass at the doors!" Natsuki huffed and pointed towards the exit making you shake your head.

"No, no! I was just curious! Like sometimes my old best friend and I would look at really crappy manga and laugh it it... Y'know? The-so-bad-it's-good type?" You sigh in relief as you hear Natsuki let out a quiet, but cute laugh her eyes sparkling.

"Yeah I totally get you! I read this manga called 'Eiken'... The art is REALLY awkward. Hehe! I still sometimes hunt for the worst mangas in existence, luckily the internet helps with that!"  Again you nod happily, feeling a lot less tense when Natsuki felt actually friendly. You had a funny feeling she had a reason why she acted the was she does already. Naturally you were a very deep thinker. "Though I assure you! This is NOT a bad manga, it seems like the regular slice of life manga stories but progressively gets more interesting as stange things start to happen to the protagonist. Oh and it's reallllly cute! I mean if you couldn't tell by the cover, but I was just wondering if you'd like to... Read it- at least a little bit since it looks like no one else is coming for a while... Or ever..." Natsuki muttered and had sat down under the bright windowsill, patting the wooden floor beside her to indicate where you seat was. 

"Wait were gonna read it together? I mean not that it's a bad thing, I just haven't really done anything like this before." 

"Oh really? Well... It's nice to read with others, even if it's sharing a book..."  Taking a seat next to her you watch the girl drag her small thumb across the thickness of the book, making pages fly. 

"Though wouldn't it just get boring reading this another time? Assuming that you've read the whole series?" The pinkie's nostrils flared slightly as her fierce gaze locked onto your (E/C) ones. 

"No not really, I haven't re-read this before so I might find something new!" Natsuki said cheerfully with a another toothy grin, you offered a smile back and scooted closer, peering over her small shoulders as she turned to the first page. "You ready to start?"

"Of course manga is life!" 

Tasty Love [DDLC] (Natsuki x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now