Confession of true love!

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(Welp I rushed this one again but I hope you enjoy! <3 - Author-chan)

Sounds echoed around as you slowly came to your senses, it felt like you were starting to wake up from a very deep slumber. The ringing in your ears, now turning into voices and the sound of a busy day. The ground beneath you was soft, a mattress was under you. Now everything was starting to come back to you as you (E/C) eyes opened, blinding you with angelic brightness. For a moment all you could see was pure white until your eyes dilated and now you could see where you were. Hidden behind a moving curtain, there was vital systems that stayed stationary to your left. Heart Monitors. IV drips and the like were all there ready to use. You were in a hospital but how long were you asleep? Wonder filed your thoughts as you wiped the crust from your eyes, now sitting up in your bed. A thin blanket was neatly placed over you. As you attempted to move and push yourself off the bed, sharp pain flooded your right arm. Luckily your uniform top was taken off and you were in your undershirt that you wore. It was a cami so it revealed the nasty wound that had brought you here. There were black threads sewn between the newly closed ravine of inflamed flesh, that looked like it had started to scab over. The color of it was a sickly yellow and dried blood; an unpleasant sight. Grimacing you use your good arm to push yourself off the high bed and onto your bare feet. The white tiles beneath you were chilly, shivers ran down your spine. Sweeping away the curtains you reveal another bed about 15 feet away containing you new friend who was grumbling as a nurse was tending to her wound. Natsuki had her arms folded over her chest and was looking away from the woman, like she was cross. It was definitely expected of her though. Always stubborn to accept help. She hadn't noticed your presence yet, her flaming pink eyes bore into the ground. The small teen looked much better than what she had been when you found her; bloody, broken, and defeated. Now she had her usual sour look, but you knew deep inside she was a sweetheart. A smile crept on your lips. It was hard to place your feelings for Natsuki but for sure you admired her tenacity, and despite the outwardly bitterness, she cared. The way her eyes would soften when she hung out with you displayed those feelings she'd hate to admit.

"Oh, (Y/n) you're awake." The pink haired girls young piercing voice disturbed your train of thought. Blinking a few times, a faint rosey blush spread on your cheeks as you gave her a warm smile.

"Yeah, I just woke up. How are you feeling?" Your voice was gentle and smooth as a summer breeze, passing through the nearly isolated room of white.

"I'm sore... But I'm used to this kind of stuff...." Natsuki murmured with her head hanging low, averting her gaze from you and the kind nurse. The woman in white who was tending to the small teen's wounds finished her work and then nodded to you.

"I'll come back to patch you up in about 20 minutes." She got up from the stool she sat on and elegantly walked out the room past the wooden door frame. She closed the open door as she left.

"You really are a trooper though, you're very tough." Replying with another grin, looking at her now flustered pale face. Natsuki's eyes were wide as she blinked a few times.

"Ah, thanks." Her voice was flat, and a bit softer as she spoke to you. It was a little weird how she talked to you in private compared in public.

"It's nothing, you really kicked that creep's ass, I saw what you did to his arm. Well I assume that you did." Giggling as you cant your head forward, seeing the other girl grin.

"Well of course I did! I am better at fighting than what most think." Natsuki energetically hopped off the bed now in front of you with her hands on her narrow hips. An adorable look of pride adorned her face. It didn't look like her wound got in the way or hurt at the moment, because she walked a few more steps and sat beside you on your bed. "But.. You saved my life... Like holy shit, I heard what happened after I passed out.... You were badass, totally!" A wide, white smile that resembled that of sunshine appeared on her lips. "This week has been full of shit for me, but when you joined the club and started to talk to me... Well..." A nervous giggle passed through her lips, you could feel her warm breath on your face that smelled of mint. "I know I act like an ass to you sometimes... At least in front of people... Haha.... I can't even bring myself to say it..." Natsuki's forehead bumped your shoulder briefly, her face as red as a tomato when she sat upright and faced you. Her young face was close to yours, bringing butterflies to have a parade in your stomach. It was an odd, yet somewhat nice feeling, though you could feel yourself blush too. "What I am trying to say... You've been so kind, and protective... Even to the point of risking hurting yourself..." She cut herself off and facepalmed, the poor girl was slightly trembling. "I don't feel like I deserve someone as kind as you... " More of her overwhelming breath brushed your (S/C) skin. This was getting way to flustering for you, making your eyes avert looking how white Natsuki's knuckles were as she clutched her skirt. "I... Ugh... I... Really appreciate it...." The pink hot head gulped loudly and let out a shaky breath. "I think I like you... Like, Like LIKE you... More than a friend..." You blinked a bit, surprised by her very hesitant confession, but smiled down on her panicked, bewildered face. It was true that you admired the girl, and she was pretty cute. She was that type that you felt were too precious for this cruel world and must be protected. "W-what?! Are you gonna say anything?" Natsuki looked ready to cry or have a panic attack, her lip quivering slightly. With a giggle you bob your head.

"I like you too, Natsuki. Despite the short time that I've been with you." Instantly a bright, sparkling set of pink eyes were only a few inches away from you. "I admire your tenacity and tough, yet kind spirit. And I think you're cute." Now you admitted your thoughts to the teen, a grin and a relieved sigh came from the girl next to you who was now even closer. Natsuki's lips were slightly parted as her eyes bore into yours, the aroma of mint was stronger and your heart beat faster against your chest. But this was a new feeling to you, and a good one at that. It was as if time stopped for this moment to happen, like a thick blanket that covered and hid the outside world. Fingers clasped your shirt as she got closer and closer until your lips collided, It was a very innocent, yet soft kiss that sent tingles through your body. Natsuki's lips were slightly chapped, but you didn't mind because they were soft. The fingers around your cami became tighter as the kiss deepened. You yourself had a little experience kissing, but it was not even close as enjoyable as this kiss was. It felt like the kiss lasted for eternity, but eventually both of you separated to catch each other's breath. You both were red, crowning you the Tomato Queens! "Well... That just happened....!" Both of you exchanged glances and started to burst with laughter. It was unknown why, but still maybe it was because the two of you were happy.

"So.... Does this mean that were a thing....?" The smaller girl leaned on you a bit, peering up at you with an innocent, yet cute look. A chuckle came through your lips as you wrapped your good arm around her small frame.

"Of course!"

Tasty Love [DDLC] (Natsuki x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now