chapter 11

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A Jungkook pov. This will be kind of like a side chapter i hope you enjoy^^

I've been avoiding all Jimin and Tae's questions about my feelings towards Taylor. Im not even sure what they mean. I get so nervous around her. Yesterday we went to the amusement park and spent a lot of time with her.
She's great and i want to get to know her more. Me and Taylor have 4 classes together. Our school is small so everyone knows each others name but not everyone is friends. I am 'popular' i guess you could say. A lot of girls like me but they aren't my type and most of them just want me for my looks. Taylor is different though..  

She likes what i have to say and we think a lot alike too.

I'm gonna try and talk to her today. Since we are closer it shouldn't be awkward.

Its my 2nd class with Taylor and we are actually partners in this class. Is it fate?
"Hey Taylor how are you?" I ask pulling a seat out for her to sit next to me. "Oh um I'm good. You?" She seems nervous talking to me alone. I am nervous talking to her alone as well. "We should hangout more. You're fun." I say with a light smile. "Yea you're pretty fun too. You seem to get me." She says laughing loosening up a little bit. I would ask her for her number but we already have everyone's number thanks to Jimin and his love. The rest of class we laugh and talk and do our project. "Hey um can you ride home with me and we can work on the project?" I ask her nervously. "Oh um yea I'll text my parents. But I'll be able to go." She says pulling out her phone. "Okay well I'll see you at lunch." I say waving to her and walking to my next class. The next class is boring because we didn't do anything but read an article.

Now im walking to the lunch room to meet up with Taylor and my friends. "Hey Jungkookie!" Taehyung says as he pats the seat next to him for me to sit down. "Hey Tae how's it feel being a non single man?" I say chuckling. "Ah bro it feels goood. Hannah is so nice- ooop there she is I'll be right back." Taehyung says jumping up to hug and greet Hannah. I see Taylor enter the room with Jimin and Jennifer Jimin's girlfriend. Taylor and Jennifer are laughing about something. I stay in my seat waiting for them to some sit down. "Hey Kookie." Taylor says with a small smile. "Oh hey Taylor did your parents say its okay if you come over?" Jimin and Jennifer raise their eyebrows at the same time its almost creepy. "Yea they just said i have to be home by 7:30." She says eating some chips. "Okay~ I'll drop you off at your house after we are done for the day then." I say thinking if my house is a mess or not.... Oh good i cleaned yesterday. Taehyung and Hannah sit down next to each other. "Ew so many couples in this group im forever alone~~" Taylor says fake crying. I laugh and she looks at me and starts laughing too. "You and Jungkook are so much alike its weird." Jimin says and Jennifer agrees. "W-what nooo im my own person~" Taylor argues. "Yea we're our own person." I add. Jimin laughs and Jennifer rolls her eyes. "NOO!" Taehyung suddenly yells. "What?" I ask him annoyed at his loudness. "THEY DIDN'T PUT A COOKIE IN MY LUNNCHH!" Taehyung starts pouting. "Awe Tae here have mine i dont really want it." Hannah gives him her cookie. "Hyung, Hannah is too nice for you." I say shaking my head. "Hey! Youre just jealous because i have a girlfriend and youuu dont." He says sticking out his tongue at me. "Whatever." I roll my eyes and get back to eating. The rest of lunch was fun we just ate and talked and argued about stupid stuff. I can't help but notice all the dirty looks the girls get from the other girls in school. I get up to go to my next class but one of them stops me. "Jungkookie-ah why do you hang out with those ugly girl when you can hang out with me and my beautiful friends." She puts her hand on my arm. "Those girls are my friends. They are not ugly they are beautiful inside and out unlike you." I say as calm as possible and walk away. "Whatever Jungkook! You're not even that cute I'd rather date Taehyung anyways." I hear her say with a nasty attitude and i just keep walking pretending i didn't hear her.

I hate people like her. So judgemental and rude. People like her deserve nothing in life.

The rest of the day is okay. Taehyung kept goofing off in math making me and Taylor laugh and get in trouble.
Its the end of the day now.
"Ready to go?" I say to Taylor. "Yep i am." She says walking towards me. "Okay lets go." We walk to my car and drive to my house.

When we get there my family isn't home because they all work late today. "Wow your house is big." Taylor says walking through the front door. "It was my grandparents house but they gave it to my parents." I say getting snacks and water from the kitchen. "You can go sit on the couch I'll be right there." I say to her from the kitchen. When i go into the living room she already has all the stuff out for our project. "Ooo snacks! Thank you Jungkook." She says going straight for them. I just laugh and put the plate on the coffee table. We work on our project for the next couple hours until its almost done. "Taylor.. i have something to ask you." I turn to her. "What is it you're scaring me." I look at her. "Would you ever like a guy like me?" I say quietly. "Um Jungkook of course!" She says with a smile.

Thank goodness. I might actually have a chance.

"Look Taylor i like you. But if you like me we can date but not really date." She gives me a confused look. "I do like you. But what do you mean?" I gulp. "Listen i have a lot of crazy girls after me and if we date I'm afraid they'll hurt you." She smiles. "Youre sweet Kookie." I grab her hand and look at her. "Okay Kookie I'll be your unofficial girlfriend." She says laughing. I want to kiss her. Im gonna kiss her. I lean in and we kiss. Softly. When we separate she is as red as a tomato. I laugh. "Oh- its 6:45 we should get going you need to get back home." She nods and gathers her stuff. I drive her home and give her a kiss goodbye. "I'll see you tomorrow." She smiles and closes the door and walks into her house. I feel great. I drive back home and go lay on my bed dazed by what i just did.

I cant wait for tomorrow.




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