chapter 20

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This is the last chapter uwu
Sorry it took me soo long i want to make this really good and I've been writing other things and coming up with plans and stufff so im vvv sorry about that. Anyways i will be doing a bonus chapter or two but not right away so stay tuned for that. ;)
Okay onto the last chapter~

Today is the day i find out if I'm having a boy or a girl. Hannah and Taylor are doing a gender reveal party and I've never been more excited. I don't really have a preference on what i want the baby to be im happy with anything. Jimin wants a boy but then again he talks about all the things he would do with it if it were a girl. So i dont think Jimin really cares either. We're just happy to have a healthy baby.

"Hey, are you ready for today?" Jimin asks in a sleepy voice because he just had woken up. "Yes and no.. I'm excited but nervous." I say as he makes some toast for himself. "I'm excited too. I can't wait." He says with his eye smile that i love so very much.
I sigh and sit down on the couch. Jimin comes and sits down next to me and we watch TV. Jimin rubs my belly because it is finally visible that im pregnant. "My little baby is growing so fast. I cant wait to meet you." Jimin says talking to the baby. "Yes i can't wait either but we still have so much to do so im glad its still 4 months away." I say and give Jimin a quick kiss. "Im gonna go take a shower and get ready for the party." Jimin nods and continues to watch TV.

I can't believe im pregnant it still feels so new. Im graduating in less than a month so i dont have to worry about school when its time for the baby to come.

My thoughts swarm my head as i wash up in the shower. I think about my future and what is to come as well. Once im done in the shower i start getting ready for the party.

Jimin comes up to my room after about 30 minutes to get ready as well. "How are Hannah and Taylor gonna do the reveal?" Jimin says buttoning his shirt. "Umm i dont know, we'll just have to wait and see. I think it's gonna be great though." Jimin nods in agreement and texts Taehyung, Jungkook, and the rest of his friends.

The party is gonna be at the park and me and Jimin are driving there now. Hannah texted me that she and Taylor have everything all set up now. I hold Jimin's hand all the way there.

Im so excited.

We pull up to the location and i see everyone there already. I get out of the car and run to give Taylor and Hannah a hug. "Thank you so much for putting all of this together. It really means a lot to me." I say starting to tear up. "Aww don't cry yet and it's no problem." Hannah says pinching my cheeks. "Yea I've always wanted to do this, so its like a dream come true." Taylor says as Jungkook comes up and kisses her on the cheek. "Hi Jennifer i cant wait to see what the baby is." Jungkook says with his bunny smile. "Thank you Jungkookie." I say giving him a quick hug. "Where is Jin? He said he was coming." I ask Hannah. "Oh he had to stop and get drinks he should be here any minute now." She says looking at the entrance to see if he was there. "Oh okay I'm gonna go eat some chips or something im really hungry. Tell me when he's here." I say and Hannah nods. I sit down at the table and eat some chips. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Taehyung asks. "Oh Hi tae, im feeling pretty good today just nervous and excited. You?" I say patting the seat next to me so he can sit down. "Im great actually. Im excited too. I cant wait till he or she is here so i can play with them. I love little babies and kids." He says smiling and takes some of my chips. "Tae! Thats not nice!" I pout and he laughs. "Hey Jin is here now." Hannah says motioning me to come over. I tell tae that I'll be right back and i walk over to where Hannah and Jin are. "Hey Jin!" I say giving him a hug. "Hey little sis how are you? Are you excited?" Jin says really loud and excited. "Yes, i am very excited. Sounds like you are too?" I say laughing. "Yess i can't wait!" He says. "That's good." I laugh more and then Jin gives Hannah a hug and kiss. "Ooooo get it Jin." I hear Taylor say as she walks over to us. I make a weird face and me and Taylor laugh. "Ready to find out the gender?" Jimin says hugging me from behind. "Yes I'm very ready." I say. "Okayy let go over here we have a box set up that has a black balloon and when we say go you guys are gonna pop the balloon and there will be either blue or pink confetti in it." Taylor explains and they both lead everyone over to the box.

Everyone gathers in a half circle around us to take pictures. Me and Jimin stand behind the box and open it. The balloon is tied to a brick so it doesn't float away. "Okay here's your pins to pop the balloon when we say go." Hannah hands me and Jimin the pins. We nod and hold hands and get ready to pop the balloon. Everyone gets in position and Hannah and Taylor start counting. "Okay 1, 2........3!"
Me and Jimin pop the balloon and out comes


"ITS A BOY!" I say jumping up and down and i hug Jimin. He kisses me and smiles. "YESS!!! I CAN TEACH HIM HOW TO PLAY OVERWATCH!" Jungkook yells and we all laugh. Everyone comes and gives me and Jimin a group hug.

Everyone talks and has a good time for the rest of the party. Me, Hannah and Taylor talk the whole time about cute outfit ideas and things we want to do and buy.

After a while everyone helps clean up and we go home. "Call us later okay? We'll go shopping this weekend for some clothes for the baby boy." Hannah says and i hug her and Taylor and everyone goodbye.

Me and Jimin get home and i lay down om the couch. "I wish my mom was here to see the party.. but we have pictures. I'll send them to her in the morning." I say sighing. "Yeah its sad she is gone on a business trip so she couldn't be here. Im sorry babe." Jimin says and sits down. I lay my head on his lap and he plays with my hair.
Me and Jimin talk about our plans and how excited we are for the baby to come. After a few hours we go to sleep for school the next day.

Life is good. This all started out as just a simple crush on the hottest boy in school. I never thought this is where it would lead me. I wouldn't take anything back. My life is perfect.

The boy



Its the endddd~ its bitter sweet that this fanfic is ending but i will be posting bonus chapters.
Stay tuned for my new fanfic and those bonus chapters. ♥


Also HOSEOK'S MIXTAPE CAME OUUTTTT WOOOHOOO go support it and love it because its pure art.♥

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