chapter 13

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I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop crying. My head is killing me. I've tried to text Hannah. No response. I know shes not mad at me but im worried about her. I stayed with Jimin last night i couldn't go home and be by myself. All i want is to talk to Hannah.

"Good morning beautiful~" Jimin says and wraps his arm around me and kisses my neck. "Jimin... Im scared." I say holding onto his arm thats wrapped around me and tears are coming to my eyes again. "I know. I know you're worried about Hannah. I am too." He says whispering into my ear. "I love you Jimin." I feel him smiling on my neck. "I really love you Jennifer. I never want to let you go. Im so sorry for what Taehyung did." He says choking up a bit like he was also gonna cry. "I feel like its partly my fault." He says very quietly. I turn to face Jimin and i see he has tears in his eyes. "Jimin... Its not your fault. None of it is. Jimin its okay to cry.." I say wiping his tears and kissing his cheek.  "I just dont want to lose you." He says starting to really cry. I hug him and nuzzle my head in his neck. "I wont ever leave you." I say and we just stay like this for a bit.

It feels so nice. Jimin is so important to me.

I get up when i hear my phone ding meaning i got a text message.

Taylor: You and Jimin need to come over to Jungkook's house.

Me: whats going on?

Taylor: im about to beat Taehyung. Just come okay.

Me: okay we'll be there in 30 minutes.

"We need to go to Jungkook's house now." I say getting up and getting dressed. "Ugh~ i just want to cuddle~" Jimin pouts. I pull him out of bed. "Come on baby Jiminie~" i squish his cheeks. "Argh don't call me a baby." He says giving me a glare. "Just get ready we need to leave." I say sternly because im genuinly worried about what is happening.

We get into the car and drive the 10 minute drive to Jungkook's house. We arrive and get out of the car and we can here yelling from the driveway.
I sigh and open the door. "YOU ARE A PIECE OF CRAP TAEHYUNG! HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO MY BEST FRIEND!" I hear Taylor yell when me and Jimin walk into the house. "Taylor just come sit and calm down." I hear Jungkook say to try and calm the situation down. We walk into the living room. "Taylor." I say nervously. "Oh good you're here now." She says walking over to me. "Whats going on.." i say looking around. "Taehyung came to 'apologize' apparently. I don't believe him." She says whispering to me. I nod. "Lets just listen to him for now." She rolls her eyes. "If he is annoying can i slap him." Taylor says completely serious. "N-actually yes, yes you can." I say laughing. "Okay Taehyung explain and apologize." Jimin says pushing Taehyung. "Okay... I did use Hannah to get to Jennifer. I just really like her. I know everything i did was wrong. Im sorry." Taehyung says and i look away. "Why dont you apologize to Hannah?" Taylor says about to explode in anger. Taehyung shrugs. Taylor gets up and slaps the crap out of Taehyung. I gasp loudly and grab Jimin's arm. Jungkook stands up and pulls Taylor back and over to stand by him. "You need to calm down." Jungkook says. "HOW COULD YOU! YOU BROKE HER HEART! AND YOU WON'T EVEN APOLOGIZE!" She yells at the top of her lungs. "I never said i wouldn't apologize." Taehyung snaps back but quietly. "GUYS STOP. AND TAEHYUNG YOU NEED TO APOLOGIZE. RIGHT. NOW." I say taking matters into my own hands. Everyone looks at me shocked at my loudness and anger. "You're right. I need to apologize. What i did was wrong. I'll try to find Hannah..." Taehyung says looking down and walks out of Jungkook's house and into his car. I deeply inhale and exhale. "Wow that was um i didn't expect that." Jimin says still shook at my actions since im not a loud and stern angry person. "I know im just really annoyed and angry at him." I say sitting down to text Hannah for the 100th time. Still. No. Answer. "She's still not answering you?" Taylor asks bringing me and cup of tea. "Nope. you?" I ask Taylor. "Nope not since last night when she said she just needed some space and time to think." She says sadly. "Im really worried." I say and Taylor agrees. "Hopefully when Taehyung finds her and apologizes she'll be okay.." Taylor says seeming to not even believe her own words. "Hey Jennifer want me to take you home now?" Jimin pops in from where him and Jungkook were just talking about the situation. "Yeah... But can you stay with me?" I say still not ready to be alone. "Of course." He smiles at me. "Yay okay lets go. Bye Taylor call me if you hear anything from Taehyung or Hannah." Taylor nods and waves goodbye.

Me and Jimin don't talk a lot on the ride to my house. I like this comfortable silence. I needed it. To just think and reflect.

We get to my house and i noticed Jin wasn't home so i decided to text him and ask him where he is.

Me: where are you?

Jin: um wym?

Me: you're not home. where are you?

Jin: just out don't worry I'll be home soon.

Me: you're acting weird. youre never this secretive with me... Im hurt.

Jin: sorry

Me: ugh whatever

I tell Jimin what Jin says and how he won't tell me where he is. "Why dont you just track where he is on snapchat?" Jimin says sitting on my bed. I gasp. "I FORGOT YOU COULD DO THAT." I immediately look at snapchat to see where he is. "Umm Jimin?" I say walking over to sit next to Jimin on my bed. I show him my phone. "It says Hannah and Jin are together..." I say looking at Jimin. Hw grabs my phone and looks closely at where they are. "Theyre at a park. Its near here if you wanna go stalk them?" I shake my head. "No i don't want to stalk them. Im going to take a screenshot and ask Jin about it when he gets home.

I text Taylor what i found out.

Me: Taylor...

Taylor: what is it

Taylor: youre scaring me.

Me: i looked at the snapchat location thing and Hannah and my brother Jin are together ...


Me: at a park near my house. Im gonna ask Jin about it when he gets home.

Taylor: dang that's weirddd.

Me: ikr.

Taylor: tell me what Jin says.

Me: i will.

I wait for like 2 hours just chilling and watching movies with Jimin. Then i hear the front door open. "I think Jin's home. Stay up here." I say to Jimin as i leave him and walk down the stairs. "JIN!?" I call out for him. "YEAH?!" I hear him call back from the kitchen. "I need to talk to you." I say leaning on the kitchen island. "What about?" He asks putting some food in the fridge. "Where were you just now?" He turns around. "Why do i need to tell you? I was just with a friend." He says not breaking eye contact with me. "Which friend?" I say crossing my arms. "Stop being so nosy." He scoffs and walks away and i follow him.

Now im annoyed.

"Jin!" I say following him. "What?!" He says stopping and turning to face me. "Why were you with Hannah?" Jin gives me a shook how-did-you-know face. "Wh-what?" I cross my arms again. "You heard me." I've never been like to Jin. "I-I was just trying to make her feel better. She's really nice. She told me what Taehyung did. She said she would text you and Taylor later." Jin says with a are you happy now look. "Hm okay. But that is weird." I say as Jin walks to his room which is downstairs and i walk back to my room upstairs.

I tell Jimin everything and then i text Taylor telling her everything. "Dang thats crazy i would have never guessed." Jimin says shook that something like this happened. I nod. I am just as shook.

Taylor: WHAT IM SHOOK. well atleast Jin is nice.

Me: what if they end up dating?

Taylor: ....oop

Me: ugh well im glad Hannah is okay.

Taylor: same.

I lay down on my bed with Jimin trying to comprehend what just happened.

I mean they aren't dating and hannah is okay. Im happy but just shook and confused....


Oooooop ~

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