chapter 34: sequel

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a/n: in this chapter im going to be trying out a new layout style. :)

a few weeks later

today is an exciting day at work because im doing taylor's monthy checkup to make sure everything is going well with the baby.


i say to taylor and jungkook when i walk into the ultra-sound room.

"hey we're so excited to see him or her! jungkook hasn't stopped talking about this appointed ment since we planned it."

taylor says laughing. jungkook looks at me and smiles.

"i cant wait!" he says.

"then lets begin." i say with a smile.

"the gel will be a little warm but the device is cold so it'll balance it out." i say warning taylor.

she nods.

"alright, lets try to find him or her- oh"

"what is it?" taylor says worriedly.

"well, looks like its twins! look they are two sacks!" i say and point to the locations

"WHAT?!" jungkooks says and his eyes go wide.

"please dont pass out again, there's water in my bag." taylor says.

"this is amazing! im scared but excited! two little babies." taylor says and starts crying.

jungkook holds her hand and smiles.

"they look really heathly! that's so good. if they were in the same sack i would be more worried but, these two little ones are perfect so far!" i say and begin to point out their facial features.

"so, do you want to know the genders or do you want to have a reveal party?" i ask the two.

"um reveal party seems more fun." taylor says and looks at jungkook for approval.

jungkook nods quickly.

"lets have it today! i cant wait very long!" he says.

"alright then i'll get everything together and we can have it when i get off of work."

i say and they nod.

i finish up with them and say goodbye.

i quickly text hannah, jin, and jimin and give them all jobs to do.

hannah will get snacks, jin will get drinks, and jimin will set up our backyard.

after i get off work i go to the party store to get the gender reveal supplies.

when i get home i text taylor and tell her that everything is ready and they can come over.

jungkook texted namjoon, taehyung, yoongi, and hoseok about the party so already arrived and were helping jimin finish the last few things.

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