Jobless and secrets (chapter 3)

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You've got to be kidding me. My dad and I haven't talked to each other since Ross and I ran away. I don't know where we stand and how to act around him anymore. What am I going to do?

That night I worked till 3 am trying to figure out what to do and I fell asleep while working. The only thing I remember before waking up in the morning is Ross carrying me to our bed.

When I woke up he was gone. No sign of him in the bedroom, kitchen (where he is most of the time) or any other room in the house. Usually, I would suspect that he's at work, but it's Sunday and he never works on Sundays to have a quality time with me. If you didn't notice from our fight, we don't spend much time together due to my work.

I tried calling him, but he wasn't answering. That's weird. He never ignored my calls. He doesn't ignore them even when he's flying, which by the rules is usually forbidden. Using your phone while flying is strictly forbidden.

So where is he now? And why is he not answering?

My phone rang.

But it's not him. It's my boss.

"Mr. Haney," I said

"Laura. I need you to send me files that you got on Ms. Yan" he said

I scrunched my eyebrows "Of course, but may I ask why?"

"Just send it to me and I will tell you tomorrow at work," he said and hung up.

I did as he said. I sent him every single document and information I had on Ms. Yan. I didn't hear from him since then. Ross still hasn't called and he's still not home.

I'm currently sitting by the bay window praying for him to come back home. It's 3 pm and I'm really starting to get worried. He is known for his jokes and pranks, but he's never done something like this. He'd never do something like this.

I'd call someone to help me look for him, but being in this industry, being a lawyer, I have many enemies which lead me to have no friends. I sometimes hang out with Ross' friends, but they are all so different from me. I don't fit in.

And just like that 2 hours go by, he still hasn't come home.

3 hours

4 hours


It was 9 pm when he came home. Is he in a suit?

"Where the hell were you. Do you have any idea how worried I was!" I raised my voice

"Gee you surely do sound concerned," he said and loosed his tie

"Of course I am. I didn't hear from you all day, didn't know where you were and you didn't answer my calls" I said

"Didn't you see the note on the fridge?" He asked

I look at him one more time and then go to the fridge. It really was there. How didn't I notice it when I came into the kitchen?

"You really didn't see it?" He said

"No, but even if I did. You only said that you're going out, not where you're going and you were out all day" I said

"Why so many questions?" He asked

"Ross. Answer me" I said and looked him directly in the eyes

"I was out. Hanging out with my friends. I can do that, can't I" he said

"You were hanging out with your friends in a suit? What kind of friends were they?" I said and crossed my arms

"Look. I had to do something very important, but I can't tell you what it is" he said and took off his jacket.

"Why can't you tell me. I thought we agreed that we would tell each other everything" I said

"And I do tell you everything, but this is something personal," he said and sat down.

"That's exactly why you should tell me. I can see that it's bothering you. Your shoulders are tens and your eyebrows are furrowed" I said and put a finger between his eyebrows, trying to ease him.

"As I said before. I can't tell you. I wish I could, but I can't. A lot of things are on the line and I don't want to risk anything" he said and got up.

"What do you mean a lot of things are on the line? What have you gotten yourself into? Are you in a gang?" I asked

"Would I really be meeting up with a gang in a suit? Can we just forget about it? All we do lately is fight" he said

"The makeup sex is good though" I smirked. He took it as a sign that I'm ready to forget about it. Not forget, only put it aside. I'll figure out what's up with him and what he's gotten himself into.

"Oh really? I thought your muscles hurt from the last time" he said and came closer to me.

"Why don't you show me that the pain is worth it," I said and bit my lip.

"Gladly" he took me in his arms and ran upstairs

"Did I tell you how good you look in a suit?" I said and unbuttoned his shirt.

"I should wear it more often then" he threw me on the bed.

"Yeah you should," I said as he fell next to me

That night we seemed to be able to forget. Forget the problems. Forget the world, but that doesn't mean they were able to forget us because the next morning when I came to work I got called into Mr. Haney's office.

"Laura, I'm afraid to say this, but due to the circumstances, you are... you are fired. I suggest you pack your stuff and leave. We have a new intern coming here to replace you"

"WHAT!" I looked at him as he grew three heads

Then it came to me. He did it. Of course, he did

Who did it and what do you think Laura will do?

Hope you like this chapter. There are a lot of things going on. Ross is hiding something and Laura is currently jobless.

 Ross is hiding something and Laura is currently jobless

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