They know and it's on (chapter 8)

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"Who won? Who's the best Mario Kart player EVER?!" I yelled through the loud music that was playing in Ross' car.

"You mean the guy with the glasses? Oh yeah, he really had good moves" Ross teased.

I glared at him. He chuckled.

"I'm sorry. Don't kill me" he said

"If I was capable of doing that, I would've done that a while ago so I think you're safe" I said and looked at my nails. They were terrible. Broken beige and white nail polish on my nails.

"That makes me feel so appreciated and so not scared of you" he teased again and I hit his hand.

"Don't hit a scared driver. We could've both died" Ross said

"Oh yeah cause you're really scared of me" I rolled my eyes

When we came home it was around 12 am.

"It's really late. We should go to bed" I said

"But I'm not sleepy!!!" Ross whined.

"And what am I suppose to do?" I asked

"I don't know"

"Well who knows"

"I don't know"

"You are helpless" I said and went upstairs.

Before I got into the bathroom I heard him going through the fridge. He can eat 100 meals and he would still be hungry. It's almost like I have a dog not a boyfriend.

I got in my pink pajamas and waited for him to get in the bed.

After awhile his phone started ringing. He must have left it here when we went out.

Oliver calling...

Who's Oliver?

I really want to answer it, but it's his phone. Wouldn't that be invading his privacy? But I am his girlfriend after all.

Oh fuck it, I'm answering.


All I heard was breathing.

"Mmm... who is there?" Oliver asked

"Laura. My name's Laura. I'm Ross' girlfriend" I said

"Girlfriend you say?" He asked


"Mm yes" I said

"And is Mr. Lynch there?"

"Who are you" I asked

"I'm working on something with Mr. Lynch. It's a business thing. You wouldn't understand"

What I don't understand is why your mom gave birth to you!!

"Why do you think I wouldn't understand?"

"You don't seem like a person that would understand" he said

"Because I'm a woman?" My voice was sharp.

"Ms. Laura I-"

"Hey Laura is there any yogurt lef-" Ross came into the room.


"Who are you talking to?" He asked

"No one" I said and hung up.

He looked at me and then at the object in my hand. Then he looked at me again.

"Why do you have my phone?" He asked

"Oh you know... mm.. your phone was ringing and you weren't here and so-" I started explaining, but was cut off short.

"So you thought it was a good idea to answer it? Even though I told you what could happen if you get involved?" He was angry "who was it?"

"Some guy named Oliver" I shrugged.

"Jesus fucking Christ! Why the fuck... ahhh" yup he was angry

"I'm sorry okay? I was curious" I said

"You were curious? Laura, by answering that call you put yourself in danger. You could literally get killed. I can't believe you did that. I honestly thought you were smarter than that" he said

"I forgot"

I didn't know what else to say. I am really sorry, but there is nothing I can do about it now.

He took his phone out of my hand and called someone.

"Come on pick up" he huffed "Hi Ella?!! Yeah, we have a problem. They know"

He got out of the room so I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation.

When he got into the room he started to pack his suitcase.


"What are you doing?" I asked

"We need to pack. We need to leave before they find us. They already know where I live. It won't take them a lot to find out that you live with me as well." He said

"Who are they? What do they want from you?" I asked

"I don't have time for this. I'll explain everything on a plane"

On a plane?

"Where are we going?" I asked

"You'll see. Just pack. Take the things that you think are really important and let's go. Don't bring your phone because they could track you down. We'll buy a new one when we get there" he said

I nodded and started packing as well. I took only essentials which is kind of hard because I don't know where we're going. I got my dresses, some skirts and fancy clothes, some clothes for lounging... pretty much a little of everything.

We left the house around 3 am. On our way to the airport we threw our phones into a river that was on the side of the road.

When we got to the airport a woman was waiting for us. I'm guessing that's Ella. She had suitcase as well and she was quite young. She was our age. She had brown hair that was quite similar to mine, but she cut the bangs. Her blue eyes shining under the too bright airport light.

How long did Ross and she know each other?

"Who's that" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"That's Ella. She's the girl that I was on the phone with. She's a really good friend of mine" Ross looked my way, but then turned to her and waived.

Ugh why does she have to be pretty?

"Hi Ross. How are you" she said completely ignoring my existence.

Fine if that's the game she wants to play.

She has some kind of accent.

"Hi Ella. We're fine" Ross said as he looked at me "this is my girlfriend Laura"

"The one that put you in danger?" She asked

I raised my eyebrow and glared at her.

"It's not her fault" Ross tried to defend me

"Of course not. It's my fault" she said "I told you not to tell her and I'm sorry"

She didn't look sorry at all and what?!!
She told Ross not to tell me anything about it and Ross listened to her!

Oh it's on.

Christina Bazan is Ella in the story. She's 23 in real life, but in the story she's the same age as Ross and Laura (18).

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