New Crush and Breakfast Talks (chapter 10)

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 - Love is blind, but friendship closes its eyes


Ross' POV

I woke up earlier than Laura. There was a knock on the door. It was Ella.

"Hey," I said.

She cleared her throat and looked at me. Before she looked at me she was looking at my bare chest.

"Hi," she said "I talked to Squirrel and he told me that they are still in America"

We call our friend and the boss of this operation Squirrel because he's really short.

"That's good. Any news on my mom?" I asked hopefully

"Unfortunately not. We don't think that she's with them, but we do think that they captured her somewhere" she said

I nodded in understanding, but I was pretty disappointed. We've been tracking them for a month now and still no sign of my mom. She disappeared 40 days ago. One month and ten days since she was last seen going to work. The problem is, they got her at a parking lot that had no cameras. It was definitely planned.

"I'm sorry. It will be fine. I'm sure we will find her soon. We just need a bit more time" she said.

She must've seen the look on my face because she threw her arms around me in a hugging gesture. Just as I put my arms around her somebody cleared their throat behind me.


"Nice seeing you again Ella," Laura said behind me.

I quickly removed my hands from her waist and turned to Laura. She was looking at me like I murdered her cat. Although, the look that she gives when she's angry is unbelievably hot.

"Nice seeing you too Laurie," she said and I saw Laura cringe at the nickname "well I'm going to go. Bye Ross!" she waived and left me with a hungry lion.

I smiled innocently at her.

"You must be really close with her," she said

"Yeah, I mean we are friends. Really good friends" I said

"Good to know that another one of your friends hates me," she said and started going to the bathroom.

"What do you mean. Nobody hates you" I said

She gave me a "are you dumb look" and went to the bathroom.

"Don't walk away. My friends don't hate you" I said and got into the bathroom with her.

"I want to take a shower. Can you get out, please?" she pleaded

"Hey," I took her hands in my own "Ella is a good person. I know she doesn't seem like it, but she was hurt badly in the past and she doesn't let anyone in. Give her some time. I promise you'll like her."

"I doubt I'll ever like someone who has hots for my boyfriend," she said and turned on the water in the shower.

"What do you mean?" I asked dumbfounded " Ella's not in love with me"

"I didn't say in love, but I wouldn't deny that she has a crush on you," she said and started to take off her socks.

It's so hot when a girl takes her socks off.

"No, she's... she doesn't have a crush on me," I said

"Oh please, I saw the way she looks at you and the way she acts around me. Ross, she has a crush on you" she said and shooed me out of the bathroom.

Now when I think about it maybe there were some signs that I ignored. She always seemed like an open and confident person so her wearing more revealing clothes when she was around me didn't give me much thought.

I heard Laura get into the shower so I decided to go out. Maybe get us some breakfast and process this. Ella is a really good friend of mine. She helped me a lot through all of this when Laura, unfortunately, couldn't know. At the same time, I get where Laura's coming from. If it's true that Ella is in love with me or has a crush on me or whatever, I would be the same if I was in Laura's shoes.

I get angry when a boy looks at her the wrong way, I can't imagine how it is for her.

I got to a little restaurant that serves breakfast and got breakfast for all of us. I got Laura and me some heart-shaped pancakes and some toast with eggs and I got Ella some waffles.

When I got back Ella wasn't in her room so I just went to see what Laura was doing. As I came into the room her back was to me. She was cutting out some outfits and clothes from a magazine.

"What are you doing?" I asked

She jumped in her seat "You scared me to death" she put her hand on a place where her heart is.

"Sorry. I got us some breakfast" I said

"Thanks," she said and put the magazine down.

I placed a plate on her lap and we dug in. Since Ella didn't eat her breakfast, I ate her waffles.

"What were you doing," I asked and pointed to the magazine on the bedside table.

"Oh, I did this when I was I kid. I used to cut out clothes from magazines and make outfits from it. I just got bored so I did it again. It's fun" she smiled at me.

"That's cool. I used to collect seashells. We had a house in front of the beach just like we have now... well like we used to have. I had so many seashells" I laughed at my 12-year-old self that thought seashells are the solution for every problem.

"Aww, that's cute. I wish you had some pictures of when you were younger. I bet you were the cutest baby in the world" she said

"I was a banana kid. The only one in my class with blonde hair" I said and scratched my head

"Thank god I always had hots for blondes because otherwise, I could've ended up with Noah or someone," she said and I shook my head.

"You belong to me," I said in an overexaggerated baby voice

She giggled and looked down.

"I've been thinking," she said

"Uh uhhhh"

"No, it's a good thing. I promise," she said

I nodded for her to continue.

"Ever since I was little I loved fashion and clothing, but since I lived under my father's roof making this dream come true was impossible. I always wanted to design clothes, have a little boutique or anything like that. I want to make that dream possible. I want to make it come true" she said and I listened carefully

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